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Space Law: Difference between revisions

From Delta-V Wiki
Floofers (talk | contribs)
mNo edit summary
LadyDanger2743 (talk | contribs)
Crime Codes Quick Reference: Clarified that crime codes are no longer organized on a line of similar codes, and that discretion should be used before applying similar codes to a singular criminal act.
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Space Law is a collection of rules and regulations enacted by Nanotrasen which has oversight through [[Administrators#What_Do_Admins_Do?|CentCom]] and is enforced by the [[Security Officer|Security Officers]] on the station. Space Law applies to all ranks and positions on station, from the lowliest [[Assistant]] to the highest [[Captain]], all are equal under the eyes of the Law and ultimately answer to it.  
Space Law is a broad set of rules and regulations, collected and regulated by TerraGov, enacted and enforced by NanoTrasen and its [[Security Officer|Station Security]], with the oversight of [[Administrators#What_Do_Admins_Do?|CentCom]] - and, on occasion, TerraGov's Galactic Police Force. Space Law applies to all ranks and positions on stations under its jurisdiction, from the lowliest [[Passenger]] to the highest [[Captain]]; all are equal under the eyes of the Law, and all must ultimately answer to it.

It is highly recommended to read the '''[[Standard Operating Procedure|Standard Operating Procedures]]''' and specifically the following parts:
It is highly recommended to read the '''[[Standard Operating Procedure|Standard Operating Procedures]]'''. Summaries of several pertinent sections are listed below.
*[[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Pressing_Charges|Pressing Charges]]
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Controlled Items|Controlled Items]]:''' If a member of station crew requires access to a Controlled Item for use in their job, or for regular function, they must obtain the signed and stamped approval of a relevant member of Station Command or the CO.  The latter is able to override the decisions of Station Command in this regard, however.
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Sophonts and Synthetics|Sophonts & Synthetics]]:''' Sophonts are entities are able to utilize a structured language, communicate through the use of written, verbal, and/or body language (or by other means), and possess reasoning and introspection. Sophonts are legal persons, able to press charges under Space Law, and can be victims of certain crimes that specify sophont status. An entity's status as a sophont may be challenged during legal proceedings; the Defense and/or Prosecution must present evidence arguing that it meets, or does not meet, the criteria established above. The Judge will then arbitrate on the entity's status. Any synthetic, sillicon, or nonorganic entity with non-sophont status is to be considered a Synthetic. Synthetics are the property of the entity that constructs or employs them, unless otherwise stated. Damage or destruction of such Synthetics is considered vandalism of the entity's property.
*[[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Trial_Procedure|Trial Procedures]]
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Security Jurisdiction|Security Jurisdiction]]:''' Station law enforcement officers are bound by Space Law; they cannot operate outside of standard accessible areas, or perform searches, unless such action is allowed by either Alert Procedure or a valid warrant.
*[[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Treatment_of_Prisoners|Treatment of Prisoners]]
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Detainment and Arrest|Detainment & Arrest]]:''' Members of law enforcement may detain sophonts under '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Probable Cause|Probable Cause]]''' of criminal activity. These detainees must be informed of the crime they are suspected of committing, and may be moved to a secure location and/or restrained while law enforcement determine if a crime was committed. Such detention should last no longer than five minutes. Any sophont may be arrested, during which they are restrained, informed of their charges, and taken to the brig for search and processing under '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Brig Procedure|Brig Procedure]]'''.
*[[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Paroles_and_Pardons|Paroles and Pardons]]
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Sentencing|Sentencing]]:''' Any member of law enforcement is allowed to pass sentence on Misdemeanor, Felony, and Grand Felony charges. The Prosecutor is allowed to adjust such sentences, within reason.
*[[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Synthetics_and_Sophonts|Synthetics and Sophonts]]
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Treatment of Prisoners|Treatment of Prisoners]]:''' Prisoners must be provided with food, water, clothing, free movement within the brig, adequate medical care, access to the Common and Prison radio channels, and moral, spiritual, or legal counseling if requested and available. If the brig becomes uninhabitable, prisoners must be securely and safely relocated to another area until the brig is functional once more. Prisoners sentenced to Extended Confinement have additional rights and firmer restrictions that must be upheld by law enforcement officials.
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Paroles and Pardons|Paroles & Pardons]]:''' Parole may be offered under the discretion of the Warden, Head of Security, or CO. A parole hearing requires only a Judge, as discussed within Trial Procedure. Pardons may be issued by the arresting officer, the Judge of a trial, by the Warden (to those within the permanent brig), or by the CO, when deemed in the best interest of the crew or vessel, or when the circumstances of the crime warrant suspension of sentence.
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Pressing Charges|Pressing Charges]]:''' Any sophont may press charges against any other sophont. Individuals may only be charged with a crime if it can be proveny beyond reasonable doubt that they have committed the crime.
* '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Trial Procedure|Trial Procedure]]:''' A criminal trial’s Judge must be, in sequential order: The Chief Justice, the Court Clerk, an impartial member of Justice or Station Command, or the Warden. The Prosecution should ideally be the Prosecutor, or an available member of Station Command or Station Security in that order. The Defense should ideally be a member of the Justice department assigned to the defendant, though they are allowed to represent themselves if they wish. If insufficient crew are available, the Judge is fully authorized and strongly encouraged to pass a sentence of Extended Confinement until a proper trial can be held.
* '''[[Alert Procedure]]:''' Codes Blue, Red, Gamma, and Delta suspend the right to individual privacy, allowing warrantless search. The latter three codes allow for departmental raids, and the latter two place the station in martial law. These codes also authorize Security to carry progressively more advanced firearms, and loosen '''[[Standard Operating Procedure#Rules of Engagement|Rules of Engagement]]''' regarding their use.
=== Crime Codes Quick Reference ===
Use this to quickly find the Crime Code Numbers.
Crime codes are organized into four Category Codes (_XX) as listed below, with the most severe crimes being given the highest Severity Codes (x__). The sentencing officer or Judge should use discretion, and not charge an entity with two similar crimes for a singular offense. 
For example, an attack upon a sophont which causes them to die of their injuries is Murder, not Assault AND Murder. Likewise, an entity should not be charged for both Possession AND Grand Possession on a singular Controlled Item held without proper authorization. 
{| style='text-align:center; border:solid 1px black' cellspacing=0
! style="border: 1px solid black; width:5%" | Code
! style='background-color:#999933BF; border: 1px solid black; width:23.75%' | 1XX - Misdemeanor
! style='background-color:#996633BF; border: 1px solid black; width:23.75%' | 2XX - Felony
! style='background-color:#993333BF; border: 1px solid black; width:23.75%' | 3XX- Grand Felony
! style="background-color:#990033BF; border: 1px solid black; width:23.75%" | 4XX - Capital
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 01
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Animal Cruelty
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Assault
|style='background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Manslaughter
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" | Murder
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 02
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Harassment
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Breaking and Entering
|style='background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black;'| Kidnapping
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" | Terrorism
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 03
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Vigilantism
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Rioting
|style='background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black;' |  Grand Possession
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" | Grand Sabotage
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 04
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Petty Larceny
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Endangerment
|style='background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black' | Mindbreaking
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" | Prevention of Revival
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 05
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Trespass
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Possession
|style='background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Sabotage
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" | Breach of Custody
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 06
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Vandalism
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Obstruction of Justice
|style='background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Abuse of Power
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" |
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 07
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Hooliganism
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Perjury
|style='background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Grand Larceny
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" |
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 08
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' |
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Contempt of Court
|style='background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Black Marketeering
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" |
!style="border: 1px solid black;" | 09
|style='background:#9999334D; border: 1px solid black;' |
|style='background:#9966334D; border: 1px solid black;' | Identity Theft
|style="background:#9933334D; border: 1px solid black;" |
| style="background:#9900334D; border: 1px solid black;" |

== Sentences ==
== Sentences ==
=== Capital ===
=== Capital ===
:*'''Execution''': Termination of the convict’s life.
Capital Sentences are organized in order of severity, with the least severe last. Execution should be utilized as an '''absolute last resort,'''  for criminals whose crimes are extraordinarily cruel, or who prove impossible to confine through less restrictive means.
::*Whenever any execution is performed, regardless of trial or not, a general announcement must be made detailing who was executed and for what reason.
::*The convict may select from one of four methods of execution, depending on availability: firing squad, lethal injection, electric shock, or asphyxiation. If the convict does not make a choice after being given ample opportunity, the sentencing officer or other relevant authority may select the method that is most appropriate. Convicts may request alternate methods of execution that may be approved or denied at the discretion of the individual passing the sentence.
* '''Execution:''' Termination of the convict's life.
::*The executed’s corpse must be burned, stored in the morgue, or processed by medical staff using the biomass reclaimer.
** Whenever any execution is performed, for any reason, a general announcement must be made stating who was executed, and for what reason.  
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** The convict may either face execution by firing squad, by lethal electrocution, by being ejected from the station via an airlock (being "spaced"), or by a method of their choosing, at the Judge's sole discretion.
:*'''Exfiltration''': Immediate retrieval of the convict via a CentComm, or GALPOL, dispatched transport.
** If recoverable, their remains must either be cremated, processed via the biomass reclaimer, or stored in the morgue.
::*The prisoner may be held in a temporary cell until the transport arrives.
* '''Decorporealization:''' Stripping the convict's mind from their body into a more restrictive form, such as a cyborg or soul gem.
::*If a transport cannot be arranged, default to other capital sentences.
* '''Preservative Stasis:''' Relocation of the convict into a morgue or similar controlled and regulated environment until one's sentence is concluded, or until the legal system can accomodate the convict.  
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* '''Exfiltration:''' Immediate retrieval of the convict via a CentComm or GALPOL prison transport.
:*'''Decorporealisation''': Stripping the convict’s mind from their body into a more restricting form.
** The prisoner may be held within the permanent brig until the transport arrives.
::*Soul crystals, golems, and cyborgs are all permissible forms.
** If transport cannot be arranged, default to other capital sentences.  
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* '''Extended Confinement:''' Placing the convict into the Permanent Brig until the end of the shift, where they are to be transported to Central Command for processing.  
:*'''Permanent Brig, Permabrig, or Extended Confinement''': Placing the convict into the permanent brig until the end of the shift, where they are to be transported to Central Command for processing.
** The convict has the same rights as any other prisoner within the Permanent Brig, whether they arrived by transport or were sentenced to Extended Confinement.
::*The convict has the same rights as any other prisoner within the permabrig, whether they arrived by transport or were sentenced to Extended confinement.
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=== Standard ===
=== Standard ===
:*'''Brigging''': Placing the convict into a temporary holding cell. See [[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Treatment_of_Prisoners|Treatment of Prisoners (SOP)]].
:*'''Brigging''': Placing the convict into a temporary holding cell.
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:*'''Catch & Release''': Taking the convict to Security, processing them, searching them, and then releasing them. See [[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Jurisdiction|Jurisdiction (SOP)]].
:*'''Catch & Release''': Taking the convict to Security, processing them, searching them, and then releasing them.
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:*'''Demotion''': Downgrading the convict’s employment contract and revoking their access accordingly, with permission from or when ordered by the convict’s head of department. May be applied when the convict has committed a crime relating to their employment within their department or with NanoTrasen as a whole. See [[Company_Policy#Conduct_unbecoming|Conduct Unbecoming (Company Policy)]].
:*'''Demotion''': Downgrading the convict’s employment contract and revoking their access accordingly, with permission from or when ordered by the convict’s head of department. May be applied when the convict has committed a crime relating to their employment within their department or with NanoTrasen as a whole.
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:*'''Licence restriction''': Downgrading or suspending the convict’s armament licence and confiscating possessions accordingly. May be applied when the convict is guilty of possession or a crime involving a weapon they were lawfully permitted to carry.
:*'''Licence restriction''': Downgrading or suspending the convict’s armament licence and confiscating possessions accordingly. May be applied when the convict is guilty of possession or a crime involving a weapon they were lawfully permitted to carry.
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=== Aggravating ===
=== Aggravating ===
:*: Any sophont found guilty of encouraging, bribing, requesting, or instructing someone to commit a crime, with the intent that the sophont being solicited commit the crime, will receive for the crimes they solicited in full.
:**Any sophont found guilty of encouraging, bribing, requesting, or instructing someone to commit a crime, with the intent that the sophont being solicited commit the crime, will receive for the crimes they solicited in full.
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:*: Any sophont found guilty of assisting in the commission of a crime, without participating in the crime itself, knowing that a crime will be, has been, or is being committed, will receive the sentence for the crimes in which they took part in full.
:**Any sophont found guilty of assisting in the commission of a crime, without participating in the crime itself, knowing that a crime will be, has been, or is being committed, will receive the sentence for the crimes in which they took part in full.
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:*: Any sophont found guilty of attempting to commit a crime, with the intent to carry out that crime, will receive the sentence for the crimes they attempted in full.
:**Any sophont found guilty of attempting to commit a crime, with the intent to carry out that crime, will receive the sentence for the crimes they attempted in full.
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:*: Any sophont found guilty of planning to commit a crime, with the intent to carry out that crime eventually, and having committed an overt act pursuant to that end, will receive the sentence for the crimes they conspired towards in full.
:**Any sophont found guilty of planning to commit a crime, with the intent to carry out that crime eventually, and having committed an overt act pursuant to that end, will receive the sentence for the crimes they conspired towards in full.
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:*'''Deadly weapon'''
:*'''Deadly weapon'''
:*: Any sophont found guilty of committing a crime, utilising any object used offensively for the purpose of inflicting mortal or great bodily harm, will receive an additional modifier of, at most, 150% of the original sentence.
:**Any sophont found guilty of committing a crime, utilising any object used offensively for the purpose of inflicting mortal or great bodily harm, will receive an additional modifier of, at most, +50% of the original sentence.
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:*: Any sophont found guilty of committing a crime with reckless abandon, evident signs of lack of regret or remorse, or blatant disregard for potential collateral damage, will receive an additional modifier of, at most, 150% of the original sentence.
:**Any sophont found guilty of committing a crime with reckless abandon, evident signs of lack of regret or remorse, or blatant disregard for potential collateral damage, will receive an additional modifier of, at most, +50% of the original sentence.
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:*'''Discriminatory intent'''
:*: Any sophont found guilty of committing a crime based fully or in part based on the victim or affected party’s appearance, gender, psionics, religion, ability/disability, place of origin or habitation, culture, or other immutable feature or quality, will receive an additional modifier of, at most, 150% of the original sentence.
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:*: Any sophont convicted of the same criminal charge multiple times within one shift will receive an additional modifier of, at most, 200% of the original sentence.
:**Any sophont convicted of the same criminal charge multiple times within one shift will receive an additional modifier of, at most, +100% of the original sentence. '''OOC NOTE: If a character is sexually harassing another character, or being bigoted, in a way that breaks Server Rules A1 or A2, you are allowed to summarily execute them. Please contact admins via AHelp if such an incident occurs.'''

=== Extenuating ===
=== Extenuating ===
:*: Any sophont who shares actionable intelligence with the authorities, turns oneself in, testifies against accomplices, confesses to their crime, or otherwise aids the prosecution, may have their sentence reduced to no less than 50% of the original sentence.
:**Any sophont who shares actionable intelligence with the authorities, turns oneself in, testifies against accomplices, confesses to their crime, or otherwise aids the prosecution, may have their sentence reduced to no less than 50% of the original sentence.
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:*'''Dire Emergency'''
:*'''Dire Emergency'''
:*: Any sophont found to have committed a crime in the process of absolutely necessary and reasonable actions, taken with the intent to resolve or mitigate the effects of a dire emergency on one’s vessel or habitat, may have their sentence reduced by any amount, or completely waived.
:**Any sophont found to have committed a crime in the process of absolutely necessary and reasonable actions, taken with the intent to resolve or mitigate the effects of a dire emergency on one’s vessel or habitat, may have their sentence reduced by any amount, or completely waived.
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:*: Any sophont found to have committed a crime or crimes in protection of oneself or another, and only to the necessary extent to avert a direct and imminent threat to the health and life of innocent persons, may have their sentence reduced by any amount, or completely waived.
:**Any sophont found to have committed a crime or crimes in protection of oneself or another, and only to the necessary extent to avert a direct and imminent threat to the health and life of innocent persons, may have their sentence reduced by any amount, or completely waived.
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:*'''Good Behavior'''
:*'''Good Behaviour'''
:**Any convict who peacefully complies with the authorities, displays clear signs of remorse concerning the committed crime, and/or conducts themselves peacefully while imprisoned, may be paroled as outlined in the Standard Operating Procedures.
:*: Any convict who peacefully complies with the authorities, displays clear signs of remorse concerning the committed crime, and/or conducts themselves peacefully while imprisoned, may be paroled as outlined in the Standard Operating Procedures.

== Crimes ==
== Crimes ==
=== Capital Crimes ===
=== Capital Crimes ===

{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#9933334D; width: 90%; border: 1px solid #000000;" cellspacing=0
{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#9900334D; width: 95%; border: 1px solid black;" cellspacing=0
! style="background-color:#993333BF; width:20%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Name
! style="background-color:#990033BF; width:4%; border: 1px solid black;" |Code
! style="background-color:#993333BF; width:10%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Time
! style="background-color:#990033BF; width:0.1%; border: 1px solid black;" |
! style="background-color:#993333BF; width:50%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Description
! style="background-color:#990033BF; width:20%; border: 1px solid black;" |Name
! style="background-color:#990033BF; width:12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" |Time
! style="background-color:#990033BF; width:62.5%; border: 1px solid black;" |Description
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Murder}}Murder
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 401
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Murder.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To kill a sophont with malicious intent and premeditation.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | Murder
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To maliciously commit an act resulting in the death of a sophont, with reckless indifference to their life.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Decorporealisation}}Decorporealisation
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 402
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Terrorism.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To unlawfully, maliciously, and permanently strip a sophont’s mind from their body.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | '''Terrorism'''
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To maliciously commit an act or take hostages with reckless indifference to life in order to provoke a state of terror in, intimidate, or otherwise compel an entity to act or abstain from acting.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Terrorism}}Terrorism
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 403
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_GrandSabotage.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To commit an act with the intent to cause injury or death, or to take hostages, in order to provoke a state of terror in, intimidate, or compel a group of sophonts to do or to abstain from doing any act.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | Grand Sabogate
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To maliciously commit an act that, directly or indirectly, renders a vessel or its part uninhabitable or inoperable; or, to commit an act that causes irreversible damage to High Security Areas and/or systems of a vessel.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Grand Sabotage}}Grand Sabotage
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 404
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Decorporealisation.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To engage in malicious actions that directly or indirectly make uninhabitable or inoperable a vessel or its part, or irreversibly modify and/or damage technology one is not authorised to access, causing severe bodily harm or death to multiple sophonts.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | '''Prevention of Revival'''
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To commit an act that prevents the revival of a sophont by standard medical care following their death.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Kidnapping}}Kidnapping
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 405
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Sedition.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To unlawfully confine or restrict the free movement of a sophont against their will.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | Sedition
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To act to overthrow a lawfully established Chain of Command or governing body without lawful or legitimate cause.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Sedition}}Sedition
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 406
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | WIP
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To act to overthrow a lawfully established Chain of Command or governing body without lawful or legitimate cause.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | Breach of Custody
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | Capital
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Sexual Harassment}}Sexual Harassment
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To escape the custody of law enforcement while serving a legal sentence, or awaiting trial for a capital offense.
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | Capital
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To sexually harass, attempt to coerce into sexual relations, or effect unwanted sexual contact with an unwilling sophont.
=== Felonies ===

{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#9966334D; width: 90%; border: 1px solid #000000;" cellspacing=0
=== Grand Felonies ===
! style="background-color:#996633BF; width:20%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Name
{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#9933334D; width: 95%; border: 1px solid black;" cellspacing=0
! style="background-color:#996633BF; width:10%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Time
! style="background-color:#993333BF; width:4%; border: 1px solid black;" | Code
! style="background-color:#996633BF; width:50%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Description
! style="background-color:#993333BF; width:0.1%; border: 1px solid black;" |
! style="background-color:#993333BF; width:20%; border: 1px solid black;" | Name
! style="background-color:#993333BF; width:12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" | Time
! style="background-color:#993333BF; width:62.5%; border: 1px solid black;" | Description
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Manslaughter}}Manslaughter
|style="border:1px solid black;" | 301
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 8 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| [[File:SL_Manslaughter.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To effect violence upon a sophont, resulting in their death, without the apparent intent to kill them.
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| Manslaughter
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 16 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| To act without malice in a manner which, directly or indirectly, leads to the death of a sophont.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Grand Theft}}Grand Theft
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 302
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 8 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| [[File:SL_Kidnapping.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To unlawfully take highly restricted, dangerous, valuable, or highly sensitive property or items without consent.
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| Kidnapping
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 16 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| To unlawfully confine or restrict the free movement of an entity against its will.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Black Marketeering}}Black Marketeering
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 303
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 6 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | WIP
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To sell, distribute, or otherwise circulate restricted items or substances to unauthorised sophonts or entities.
| style="border:1px solid black;" | Grand Possession
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 15-25 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | To be in the possession of a Category C, D, or E Controlled Armament.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Sabotage}}Sabotage
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 304
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 6 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Mindbreaking.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To engage in malicious actions that directly or indirectly hinder the operation of a vessel or its part, modify and/or damage technology one is not authorised to access, or endanger multiple sophonts.
| style="border:1px solid black;" | Mindbreaking
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 14 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | To unlawfully and maliciously rid a psionic of their powers
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Mindbreaking}}Mindbreaking
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 305
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 5 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Sabotage.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To unlawfully and maliciously rid a psionic sophont of their powers.
| style="border:1px solid black;" | Sabotage
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 14 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | To maliciously commit an act that, directly or indirectly, hinders the operation of a vessel of its part; or, to commit an act that modifies and/or damages technology or equipment one is not authorized to access.
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 306
| style="border:1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_AbuseOfPower.png]]
| style="border:1px solid black;" | Abuse of Power
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 14 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | To intentionally misuse or wrongfully exercise one’s own authority, influence, or control, resulting in harm, unjust treatment, or demonstratable loss to another entity.
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 307
| style="border:1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_GrandTheft.png]]
| style="border:1px solid black;" | Grand Larceny
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 12 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | To deprive an entity of any Controlled Item in their lawful possession.
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 308
| style="border:1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_BlackMarketeering.png]]
| style="border:1px solid black;" | Black Marketeering
| style="border:1px solid black;" | 12 minutes
| style="border:1px solid black;" | To sell, distribute, or otherwise circulate Controlled Items to unauthorized entities.
=== Felonies ===
{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#9966334D; width: 95%; border: 1px solid black;" cellspacing="0"
! style="background-color:#996633BF; width:4%; border: 1px solid black;" |Code
! style="background-color:#996633BF; width:0.1%; border: 1px solid black;" |
! style="background-color:#996633BF; width:20%; border: 1px solid black;" |Name
! style="background-color:#996633BF; width:12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" |Time
! style="background-color:#996633BF; width:62.5%; border: 1px solid black;" |Description
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Assault}}Assault
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 201
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 5 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Assault.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To cause physical harm or to effect unwanted physical contact on a sophont, without the apparent intent to kill them, or to threaten such actions with both capability and intent to do so.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Assault}}Assault
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 10 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To cause physical harm or to effect unwanted physical contact on a sophont, without the apparent intent to kill them, or to threaten such actions with both capability and intent to do so.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Abuse of Power}}Abuse of Power
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 202
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 5 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_BreakingAndEntering.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To intentionally misuse or wrongfully exercise one’s own authority, influence, or control, resulting in harm, unjust treatment, or demonstrable loss to a separate party due to violation of ethical and professional standards.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Breaking and Entering}}Breaking and Entering
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 10 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To break and enter into a high security area where one is not authorised nor invited, with intent to commit a crime within.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Possession}}Possession
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 203
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | Up to 5 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Rioting.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To be in unauthorised possession of restricted items or items of particular danger. See [[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Controlled_Substances/Items|Controlled Substances/Items]], [[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Controlled_Armaments|Controlled Armaments]].
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Rioting}}Rioting
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 8 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To partake in an unauthorised riotous, tumultuous, and disruptive public assembly that refuses to disperse after warning.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Endangerment}}Endangerment
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 204
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 4 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Endangerment.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To recklessly abandon obligations involving the continued wellbeing and/or protection of life and property, through malpractice, action, or inaction.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Endangerment}}Endangerment
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 8 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To recklessly abandon obligations involving the continued wellbeing and/or protection of life and property, through malpractice, action, or inaction.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Breaking and Entering}}Breaking and Entering
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 205
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 4 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Possession.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To break and enter into a high security area where one is not authorised nor invited, with intent to commit a crime within.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Possession}}Possession
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 5-10 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To be in unauthorised possession of restricted items or items of particular danger. See [[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Controlled_Substances/Items|Controlled Substances/Items]], [[Standard_Operating_Procedure#Controlled_Armaments|Controlled Armaments]].
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Rioting}}Rioting
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 206
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 4 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_ObstructionOfJustice.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To partake in an unauthorised riotous, tumultuous, and disruptive public assembly that refuses to disperse after warning.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Obstruction of Justice}}Obstruction of Justice
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 8 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To wilfully disobey, interfere with, or refuse a decree of the court, warrant, or arrest.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Contempt of Court}}Contempt of Court
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 207
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 4 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_PerjuryOrFalseReport.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To conduct oneself disruptively and disrespectfully before the court.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Perjury or False Report}}Perjury or False Report
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 6 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To wilfully and maliciously tell an untruth either in court or in the process of making an actionable report to law enforcement.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Perjury or False Report}}Perjury or False Report
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 208
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 3 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_ContemptOfCourt.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To wilfully and maliciously tell an untruth either in court or in the process of making an actionable report to law enforcement.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Contempt of Court}}Contempt of Court
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 6 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To conduct oneself disruptively and disrespectfully before the court.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Obstruction of Justice}}Obstruction of Justice
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 209
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 2 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| WIP
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To wilfully disobey, interfere with, or refuse a decree of the court, warrant, or arrest.
!style= "border:1px solid black;"| Identity Theft
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 5 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| To maliciously assume the identity of an entity, such as through writing, attire, and/or speech.

Line 185: Line 313:

=== Misdemeanours ===
=== Misdemeanors ===

{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#9999334D; width: 90%; border: 1px solid #000000;" cellspacing=0
{| style="text-align:center; background-color:#9999334D; width: 95%; border: 1px solid black;" cellspacing=0
! style="background-color:#999933BF; width:20%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Name
! style="background-color:#999933BF; width:4%; border: 1px solid black;" |Code
! style="background-color:#999933BF; width:10%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Time
! style="background-color:#999933BF; width:0.1%; border: 1px solid black;" |
! style="background-color:#999933BF; width:50%; border: 1px solid #000000;" |Description
! style="background-color:#999933BF; width:20%; border: 1px solid black;" |Name
! style="background-color:#999933BF; width:12.5%; border: 1px solid black;" |Time
! style="background-color:#999933BF; width:62.5%; border: 1px solid black;" |Description
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 101
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_AnimalCruelty.png]]
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Animal Cruelty}}Animal Cruelty
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 5 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To inflict unnecessary suffering on a sapient being with malicious intent.
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 102
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| WIP
!style= "border:1px solid black;"| Harassment
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 5 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| To verbally demean, humiliate, or harass an entity with malice; or maliciously spread false information amongst a population.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Animal Cruelty}}Animal Cruelty
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 103
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 3 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| WIP
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To inflict unnecessary suffering on a sapient being with malicious intent.
!style= "border:1px solid black;"| Vigilantism
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| 4 minutes
|style= "border:1px solid black;"| To perform the responsibility and duty of a law enforcement official without approval or due cause to act.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Trespass}}Trespass
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 104
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 2 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Theft.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To enter into an area where one is not authorised nor invited.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Theft}}Theft
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 4 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To deprive an entity of an item in their lawful property without consent.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Theft}}Theft
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 105
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 2 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Trespass.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To unlawfully take property or items without consent.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Trespass}}Trespass
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 3 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To enter into an area where one is not authorised nor invited.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Vandalism}}Vandalism
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 106
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | 2 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Vandalism.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To deface or superficially damage public property, or property belonging to another person.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Vandalism}}Vandalism
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 3 minutes
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To deface or superficially damage public property, or property belonging to another person.
! style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | {{anchor|Hooliganism}}Hooliganism
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | 107
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | As necessary
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | [[File:SL_Hooliganism.png]]
| style="border: 1px solid #000000;" | To intentionally and maliciously engage in disruptive conduct, where one refuses to cease.
! style="border: 1px solid black;" | {{anchor|Hooliganism}}Hooliganism
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | As necessary
| style="border: 1px solid black;" | To intentionally and maliciously engage in disruptive conduct, where one refuses to cease.

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{{Guides Menu}}

Latest revision as of 13:42, 6 January 2025

Space Law is a broad set of rules and regulations, collected and regulated by TerraGov, enacted and enforced by NanoTrasen and its Station Security, with the oversight of CentCom - and, on occasion, TerraGov's Galactic Police Force. Space Law applies to all ranks and positions on stations under its jurisdiction, from the lowliest Passenger to the highest Captain; all are equal under the eyes of the Law, and all must ultimately answer to it.

It is highly recommended to read the Standard Operating Procedures. Summaries of several pertinent sections are listed below.

  • Controlled Items: If a member of station crew requires access to a Controlled Item for use in their job, or for regular function, they must obtain the signed and stamped approval of a relevant member of Station Command or the CO. The latter is able to override the decisions of Station Command in this regard, however.
  • Sophonts & Synthetics: Sophonts are entities are able to utilize a structured language, communicate through the use of written, verbal, and/or body language (or by other means), and possess reasoning and introspection. Sophonts are legal persons, able to press charges under Space Law, and can be victims of certain crimes that specify sophont status. An entity's status as a sophont may be challenged during legal proceedings; the Defense and/or Prosecution must present evidence arguing that it meets, or does not meet, the criteria established above. The Judge will then arbitrate on the entity's status. Any synthetic, sillicon, or nonorganic entity with non-sophont status is to be considered a Synthetic. Synthetics are the property of the entity that constructs or employs them, unless otherwise stated. Damage or destruction of such Synthetics is considered vandalism of the entity's property.
  • Security Jurisdiction: Station law enforcement officers are bound by Space Law; they cannot operate outside of standard accessible areas, or perform searches, unless such action is allowed by either Alert Procedure or a valid warrant.
  • Detainment & Arrest: Members of law enforcement may detain sophonts under Probable Cause of criminal activity. These detainees must be informed of the crime they are suspected of committing, and may be moved to a secure location and/or restrained while law enforcement determine if a crime was committed. Such detention should last no longer than five minutes. Any sophont may be arrested, during which they are restrained, informed of their charges, and taken to the brig for search and processing under Brig Procedure.
  • Sentencing: Any member of law enforcement is allowed to pass sentence on Misdemeanor, Felony, and Grand Felony charges. The Prosecutor is allowed to adjust such sentences, within reason.
  • Treatment of Prisoners: Prisoners must be provided with food, water, clothing, free movement within the brig, adequate medical care, access to the Common and Prison radio channels, and moral, spiritual, or legal counseling if requested and available. If the brig becomes uninhabitable, prisoners must be securely and safely relocated to another area until the brig is functional once more. Prisoners sentenced to Extended Confinement have additional rights and firmer restrictions that must be upheld by law enforcement officials.
  • Paroles & Pardons: Parole may be offered under the discretion of the Warden, Head of Security, or CO. A parole hearing requires only a Judge, as discussed within Trial Procedure. Pardons may be issued by the arresting officer, the Judge of a trial, by the Warden (to those within the permanent brig), or by the CO, when deemed in the best interest of the crew or vessel, or when the circumstances of the crime warrant suspension of sentence.
  • Pressing Charges: Any sophont may press charges against any other sophont. Individuals may only be charged with a crime if it can be proveny beyond reasonable doubt that they have committed the crime.
  • Trial Procedure: A criminal trial’s Judge must be, in sequential order: The Chief Justice, the Court Clerk, an impartial member of Justice or Station Command, or the Warden. The Prosecution should ideally be the Prosecutor, or an available member of Station Command or Station Security in that order. The Defense should ideally be a member of the Justice department assigned to the defendant, though they are allowed to represent themselves if they wish. If insufficient crew are available, the Judge is fully authorized and strongly encouraged to pass a sentence of Extended Confinement until a proper trial can be held.
  • Alert Procedure: Codes Blue, Red, Gamma, and Delta suspend the right to individual privacy, allowing warrantless search. The latter three codes allow for departmental raids, and the latter two place the station in martial law. These codes also authorize Security to carry progressively more advanced firearms, and loosen Rules of Engagement regarding their use.

Crime Codes Quick Reference

Use this to quickly find the Crime Code Numbers.

Crime codes are organized into four Category Codes (_XX) as listed below, with the most severe crimes being given the highest Severity Codes (x__). The sentencing officer or Judge should use discretion, and not charge an entity with two similar crimes for a singular offense.

For example, an attack upon a sophont which causes them to die of their injuries is Murder, not Assault AND Murder. Likewise, an entity should not be charged for both Possession AND Grand Possession on a singular Controlled Item held without proper authorization.

Code 1XX - Misdemeanor 2XX - Felony 3XX- Grand Felony 4XX - Capital
01 Animal Cruelty Assault Manslaughter Murder
02 Harassment Breaking and Entering Kidnapping Terrorism
03 Vigilantism Rioting Grand Possession Grand Sabotage
04 Petty Larceny Endangerment Mindbreaking Prevention of Revival
05 Trespass Possession Sabotage Breach of Custody
06 Vandalism Obstruction of Justice Abuse of Power
07 Hooliganism Perjury Grand Larceny
08 Contempt of Court Black Marketeering
09 Identity Theft



Capital Sentences are organized in order of severity, with the least severe last. Execution should be utilized as an absolute last resort, for criminals whose crimes are extraordinarily cruel, or who prove impossible to confine through less restrictive means.

  • Execution: Termination of the convict's life.
    • Whenever any execution is performed, for any reason, a general announcement must be made stating who was executed, and for what reason.
    • The convict may either face execution by firing squad, by lethal electrocution, by being ejected from the station via an airlock (being "spaced"), or by a method of their choosing, at the Judge's sole discretion.
    • If recoverable, their remains must either be cremated, processed via the biomass reclaimer, or stored in the morgue.
  • Decorporealization: Stripping the convict's mind from their body into a more restrictive form, such as a cyborg or soul gem.
  • Preservative Stasis: Relocation of the convict into a morgue or similar controlled and regulated environment until one's sentence is concluded, or until the legal system can accomodate the convict.
  • Exfiltration: Immediate retrieval of the convict via a CentComm or GALPOL prison transport.
    • The prisoner may be held within the permanent brig until the transport arrives.
    • If transport cannot be arranged, default to other capital sentences.
  • Extended Confinement: Placing the convict into the Permanent Brig until the end of the shift, where they are to be transported to Central Command for processing.
    • The convict has the same rights as any other prisoner within the Permanent Brig, whether they arrived by transport or were sentenced to Extended Confinement.


  • Brigging: Placing the convict into a temporary holding cell.
  • Catch & Release: Taking the convict to Security, processing them, searching them, and then releasing them.
  • Demotion: Downgrading the convict’s employment contract and revoking their access accordingly, with permission from or when ordered by the convict’s head of department. May be applied when the convict has committed a crime relating to their employment within their department or with NanoTrasen as a whole.
  • Licence restriction: Downgrading or suspending the convict’s armament licence and confiscating possessions accordingly. May be applied when the convict is guilty of possession or a crime involving a weapon they were lawfully permitted to carry.
  • Mindbreaking: Removal of the convict’s psionic power by use of mindbreaker toxin or any other means. May be applied when the convict is guilty of a crime in which they use psionics.

Crime Modifiers

Sentencing modifiers are to be applied by the sentencing officer, judge, or arbiter. Aggravating modifiers may not extend a sentence beyond the specified limit, while extenuating modifiers may not reduce a sentence below the specified limit.


  • Solicitation
    • Any sophont found guilty of encouraging, bribing, requesting, or instructing someone to commit a crime, with the intent that the sophont being solicited commit the crime, will receive for the crimes they solicited in full.
  • Accessory
    • Any sophont found guilty of assisting in the commission of a crime, without participating in the crime itself, knowing that a crime will be, has been, or is being committed, will receive the sentence for the crimes in which they took part in full.
  • Attempts
    • Any sophont found guilty of attempting to commit a crime, with the intent to carry out that crime, will receive the sentence for the crimes they attempted in full.
  • Conspiracy
    • Any sophont found guilty of planning to commit a crime, with the intent to carry out that crime eventually, and having committed an overt act pursuant to that end, will receive the sentence for the crimes they conspired towards in full.
  • Deadly weapon
    • Any sophont found guilty of committing a crime, utilising any object used offensively for the purpose of inflicting mortal or great bodily harm, will receive an additional modifier of, at most, +50% of the original sentence.
  • Aggravation
    • Any sophont found guilty of committing a crime with reckless abandon, evident signs of lack of regret or remorse, or blatant disregard for potential collateral damage, will receive an additional modifier of, at most, +50% of the original sentence.
  • Recidivism
    • Any sophont convicted of the same criminal charge multiple times within one shift will receive an additional modifier of, at most, +100% of the original sentence. OOC NOTE: If a character is sexually harassing another character, or being bigoted, in a way that breaks Server Rules A1 or A2, you are allowed to summarily execute them. Please contact admins via AHelp if such an incident occurs.


  • Cooperation
    • Any sophont who shares actionable intelligence with the authorities, turns oneself in, testifies against accomplices, confesses to their crime, or otherwise aids the prosecution, may have their sentence reduced to no less than 50% of the original sentence.
  • Dire Emergency
    • Any sophont found to have committed a crime in the process of absolutely necessary and reasonable actions, taken with the intent to resolve or mitigate the effects of a dire emergency on one’s vessel or habitat, may have their sentence reduced by any amount, or completely waived.
  • Self-Defence
    • Any sophont found to have committed a crime or crimes in protection of oneself or another, and only to the necessary extent to avert a direct and imminent threat to the health and life of innocent persons, may have their sentence reduced by any amount, or completely waived.
  • Good Behavior
    • Any convict who peacefully complies with the authorities, displays clear signs of remorse concerning the committed crime, and/or conducts themselves peacefully while imprisoned, may be paroled as outlined in the Standard Operating Procedures.


Capital Crimes

Code Name Time Description
401 Murder Capital To maliciously commit an act resulting in the death of a sophont, with reckless indifference to their life.
402 Terrorism Capital To maliciously commit an act or take hostages with reckless indifference to life in order to provoke a state of terror in, intimidate, or otherwise compel an entity to act or abstain from acting.
403 Grand Sabogate Capital To maliciously commit an act that, directly or indirectly, renders a vessel or its part uninhabitable or inoperable; or, to commit an act that causes irreversible damage to High Security Areas and/or systems of a vessel.
404 Prevention of Revival Capital To commit an act that prevents the revival of a sophont by standard medical care following their death.
405 Sedition Capital To act to overthrow a lawfully established Chain of Command or governing body without lawful or legitimate cause.
406 WIP Breach of Custody Capital To escape the custody of law enforcement while serving a legal sentence, or awaiting trial for a capital offense.

Grand Felonies

Code Name Time Description
301 Manslaughter 16 minutes To act without malice in a manner which, directly or indirectly, leads to the death of a sophont.
302 Kidnapping 16 minutes To unlawfully confine or restrict the free movement of an entity against its will.
303 WIP Grand Possession 15-25 minutes To be in the possession of a Category C, D, or E Controlled Armament.
304 Mindbreaking 14 minutes To unlawfully and maliciously rid a psionic of their powers
305 Sabotage 14 minutes To maliciously commit an act that, directly or indirectly, hinders the operation of a vessel of its part; or, to commit an act that modifies and/or damages technology or equipment one is not authorized to access.
306 Abuse of Power 14 minutes To intentionally misuse or wrongfully exercise one’s own authority, influence, or control, resulting in harm, unjust treatment, or demonstratable loss to another entity.
307 Grand Larceny 12 minutes To deprive an entity of any Controlled Item in their lawful possession.
308 Black Marketeering 12 minutes To sell, distribute, or otherwise circulate Controlled Items to unauthorized entities.


Code Name Time Description
201 Assault 10 minutes To cause physical harm or to effect unwanted physical contact on a sophont, without the apparent intent to kill them, or to threaten such actions with both capability and intent to do so.
202 Breaking and Entering 10 minutes To break and enter into a high security area where one is not authorised nor invited, with intent to commit a crime within.
203 Rioting 8 minutes To partake in an unauthorised riotous, tumultuous, and disruptive public assembly that refuses to disperse after warning.
204 Endangerment 8 minutes To recklessly abandon obligations involving the continued wellbeing and/or protection of life and property, through malpractice, action, or inaction.
205 Possession 5-10 minutes To be in unauthorised possession of restricted items or items of particular danger. See Controlled Substances/Items, Controlled Armaments.
206 Obstruction of Justice 8 minutes To wilfully disobey, interfere with, or refuse a decree of the court, warrant, or arrest.
207 Perjury or False Report 6 minutes To wilfully and maliciously tell an untruth either in court or in the process of making an actionable report to law enforcement.
208 Contempt of Court 6 minutes To conduct oneself disruptively and disrespectfully before the court.
209 WIP Identity Theft 5 minutes To maliciously assume the identity of an entity, such as through writing, attire, and/or speech.


Code Name Time Description
101 Animal Cruelty 5 minutes To inflict unnecessary suffering on a sapient being with malicious intent.
102 WIP Harassment 5 minutes To verbally demean, humiliate, or harass an entity with malice; or maliciously spread false information amongst a population.
103 WIP Vigilantism 4 minutes To perform the responsibility and duty of a law enforcement official without approval or due cause to act.
104 Theft 4 minutes To deprive an entity of an item in their lawful property without consent.
105 Trespass 3 minutes To enter into an area where one is not authorised nor invited.
106 Vandalism 3 minutes To deface or superficially damage public property, or property belonging to another person.
107 Hooliganism As necessary To intentionally and maliciously engage in disruptive conduct, where one refuses to cease.

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