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Alert procedure information and guidelines
Code Green
The normal operating procedure. There is no threat to the ship, nor crew.
Condition | Description |
Chain of command | Captain -> Ranking Department Head -> Supervisory roles (e.g. Warden) -> Standard Crew |
Weapons and Armor | Open carrying disadvised (especially lethal weaponry) Kevlar vest and helmet or equivelant advised for security. |
Discipline | Follow due process. |
Secure and High Security Areas | Secure areas are unlocked and accessible. Access to high security areas permitted for all authorized personnel. |
Medical | Standard practice. |
Engineering | Standard practice. (See: Atmospherics, Power and station repair.) |
Rules of engagement | Engage with the minimum required force to subdue a target, dependent on their threat and level of compliance. De-escalation prioritised. |
Code Blue
Elevated alert status. Ongoing, known, or suspected security threat to vessel or crew, or another security emergency.
Condition | Description |
Chain of command | Captain -> Head of Security -> Ranking Department Head -> Supervisory roles (e.g. Warden) -> Standard Crew (captain advised to defer to HOS on security matters.) |
Weapons and Armor | Lethal and non-lethal weapons may be worn openly by authorized personnel. Body armor is mandatory wear for security personnel, and authorized for all other personnel. Helmets are recommended for security personnel. |
Discipline | Security personnel required to report to supervisor for orders. Arrests and searches may be performed at discretion of security personnel. |
Secure and High Security Areas | Secure areas are can be left unlocked unless there is a known threat to that area. High security areas should be locked. |
Medical | Binary suit sensor setting at a minimum is highly recommended. EVA suit wear recommended for emergency responders. |
Engineering | EVA suit wear suggested for engineers. Emergency internals should be easily accessible for all personnel. |
Rules of Engagement | Engage with the minimum required force to subdue a target, dependent on their threat and level of compliance. |
Code Red
Emergency alert status. There are multiple major emergency situations ongoing, or a severe security emergency.
Condition | Description |
Chain of command | Captain -> Appropriate Departmental Head -> Other Department Head -> Supervisory roles (e.g. Warden) -> Standard Crew (Captain advised to defer to appropriate heads on fitting matters.) |
Weapons and Armor | Body armor, helmet, and weapon heavily advised for security. Open carry of weapons permitted for all authorized personnel. |
Discipline | Arrests and searches may be performed at discretion of security personnel. Arrests of Officers permitted at discretion of security personnel. All personnel, including security staff, should obey relevant instruction from emergency services who are attending their emergency situations. |
Secure and High Security Areas | Secure areas should be locked. High security areas should remain locked. |
Medical | Full suit sensors are heavily advised. EVA suit wear heavily advised for emergency responders. |
Engineering | EVA suit wear heavily advised for all engineers. Emergency internals heavily advised for all personnel. |
Rules of Engagement | Engage with the minimum required force to subdue a target, dependent on their threat and level of compliance, as security staff. |
Code Violet
Elevated alert status. There is a serious viral outbreak, many personnel are injured or dead, or another major medical emergency.
Condition | Description |
Chain of command | Captain -> Chief medical officer -> Ranking Department Head -> Supervisory roles (e.g. Warden) -> Standard Crew (captain advised to defer to CMO on medical matters.) |
Discipline | Follow due process. Non-medical personnel should ensure they aren’t getting in any medical staff’s way, and should obey relevant instructions from medical personnel, such as leaving an area, remaining in quarantine, or assisting in rescue efforts if capable. |
Medical | Medical personnel should report to supervisor for orders. EVA equipment recommended for emergency responders, if relevant. Suit Sensors are advised to be set to the highest possible level. All personnel should ensure they have a functioning emergency air supply. |
Code Yellow
Elevated alert status. The ship has suffered severe damage, the supermatter is delaminating/has delaminated/is ejected, the singularity is loose, there is a major fire, an incoming meteor storm, or another major engineering emergency.
Condition | Description |
Chain of command | Captain -> Chief engineer -> Ranking Department Head -> Supervisory roles (e.g. Warden) -> Standard Crew (captain advised to defer to CE on engineering matters.) |
Discipline | Follow due process. Non-engineering personnel are advised to evacuate any affected areas, and should obey relevant instruction from engineering personnel, such as an order to evacuate or stay in an area. |
Medical | Suit Sensors recommended to be set to the highest possible level. All personnel should ensure they have a functioning emergency air supply. |
Engineering | Engineering personnel should report to supervisor for orders. EVA suits recommended. |
Evacuation | The ship should be evacuated if the damage is not feasibly repairable without great loss of life, if not evacuating would result in total loss of crew, or if damage is so severe that breakup is imminent. |
Code White
Elevated alert status. There is a psionic emergency.
Condition | Description |
Chain of command | Captain -> Head of Security -> Mystagogue -> Ranking Department Head -> Supervisory roles (e.g. Warden) -> Standard Crew (captain advised to defer to CE on engineering matters.) |
Discipline | ROE for mindbreaker is lifted. Otherwise, try to avoid use of lethal force. Wear psionic insulation if possible. |
Medical | Suit Sensors recommended to be set to the highest possible level. Prepare for an increase in burn and brain damage. |
Engineering | Engineering personnel should report to supervisor for orders. EVA suits recommended. Your help in disposing of glimmer probers may be required. |
Epistemics | Shut off glimmer probers. Get assistance from security and engineering if possible. |
Evacuation | The ship should be evacuated if the glimmer spiral seems irrecoverable even after all probers have been destroyed. |
Code Gamma
Nearing the Apex of alert status. Gamma alert can only be called by Central Command and is usually for when the Station is at its last legs and everyone is mostly dead or some powerful Invader has entered the Station.
Condition | Description |
Chain of command | Captain -> Head of Security -> Head of Personnel -> Ranking Department Head -> Supervisory roles (e.g. Warden) -> Standard Crew |
Weapons and Armor | Only Security personnel are allowed to carry weaponry openly. Armour heavily advised for all of Security.
Note: If opening armory to ALL Personnel of the Station is needed to contain the Invader/threat, its Security job to return those items once the alert level is lowered. |
Discipline | Martial Law has been declared on the Station, All staff should report to their supervisor for orders.
Summary punishment permitted (Necessary execution). |
Security | It's up to you to stop the Invader/threat from taking control of the Station. Failure to stop the threat from achieving supremacy over the Station may lead to Centcom calling Code Delta to cut their losses. |
Rules of Engagement | Lethal force is authorised at the discretion of security personnel or in self defence. |
Evacuation | Evacuation should be considered, unless the Station is overwhelmed with an Outbreak of level 20 biohazard(Zombies), if that's the case you better equip you self as Centcom might not allow shuttle at all. |
Code Delta
Maximum alert status. Station self destruct activated or destruction imminent. Evacuation procedures strongly advised. All crew and passengers must be evacuated.
Condition | Description |
Chain of command | Captain -> Ranking Department Head -> Supervisory roles (e.g. Warden) -> Standard Crew |
Weapons and Armor | All personnel are allowed to carry weaponry openly. Armour heavily advised for all staff. |
Discipline | All staff should report to their supervisor for orders. Summary punishment permitted (Necessary execution). |
Secure and High Security Areas | Unsecured as needed to facilitate evacuation and retrieval of sensitive materials. |
Rules of Engagement | Lethal force is authorised at the discretion of security personnel or in self defence. |
Evacuation | Evacuation procedures should be initiated immediately |