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Alert Procedure: Difference between revisions

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== <span style="color:#4f8439;>Green Alert</span> ==
== <span style="color:#4f8439;>Green Alert</span> ==
The normal operating procedure. ''There is no currently known threat to the ship, nor crew.''
The normal operating procedure. ''There is no currently known threat to the ship, nor crew.''

Latest revision as of 18:09, 28 September 2024

Green Alert

The normal operating procedure. There is no currently known threat to the ship, nor crew.

Condition Description
Chain of Command CO > Department Heads > Supervisory Roles
Armoury Policy Open carrying of long arms disallowed. Standard stab-and bullet-resistant equipment recommended for Security personnel.
Discipline Report to supervisor for general orders.
Secure Areas Secure areas unbolted and accessible to all authorized personnel. High Security Areas and areas with an expectation of privacy, such as bedrooms, dorms, or medical treatment facilities, may be locked as needed.
Medical Report to supervisor for general orders.
Engineering Report to supervisor for general orders.
Rules of Engagement Engage with minimal force required; prioritize de-escalation whenever possible.

Blue Alert

Elevated alert status. There is an ongoing, known, or suspected security threat to the NanoTrasen vessel or its crew, or another significant security emergency.

Condition Description
Chain of Command CO > Head of Station Security > Department Heads > Supervisory Roles
Armoury Policy Open carry of weaponry permitted for authorised entities. Body armour and helmets mandatory for Security personnel, permitted for distribution to authorised personnel.
Discipline Report to supervisor for general orders. Searches may be performed at the discretion of security personnel and without a warrant. Open carry disallowed for non-security personnel.
Secure Areas Secure areas unlocked unless affected by known threats. Access to HSAs locked.
Medical Binary suit sensors recommended at a minimum. EVA suits recommended for emergency responders, functioning internals and PPE heavily advised.
Engineering EVA suits recommended for engineers. Make emergency internals easily accessible.
Rules of Engagement Engage with minimal force required; non-lethal weapons may be used freely based on threat and compliance.

Red Alert

Emergency alert status. There are multiple major emergency situations ongoing, or a major security emergency affecting the station.

Condition Description
Chain of Command CO > Security Personnel > Department Heads > Supervisory Roles
Armoury Policy Issuing of lethal weapons heavily recommended. Body armour and helmets mandatory for Security personnel, permitted for distribution to authorised personnel.
Discipline Report to supervisor for general orders. Searches and departmental raids may be performed at the discretion of security personnel and without a warrant. Open carry disallowed for non-security personnel.
Secure Areas All HSAs should remain locked and under guard. Secure areas unlocked unless affected by known threats.
Medical Full suit sensors mandatory for observation and safety. EVA suits and functioning internals heavily advised for emergency responders.
Engineering EVA suits heavily advised for engineers. Distribute emergency internals to crew.
Rules of Engagement Engage with adequate force to safely subdue suspects, dependent on threat and compliance. Lethal force is permitted to effect arrests against evasive targets.

Violet Alert

Elevated alert status. There is a serious viral outbreak, ongoing major death event, or there is another significant medical emergency.

Condition Description
Chain of Command CO > Chief Medical Officer > Medical Personnel > Department Heads > Supervisory Roles
Armoury Policy Issuing of lethal weapons disadvised. Standard stab-and bullet-resistant equipment recommended for Security personnel. Basic PPE highly recommended for all personnel, L3 biohazard gear advised.
Discipline Report to supervisor for orders. Non-medical personnel should ensure they do not interfere with medical staff, may assist where applicable, obey all applicable orders from medical personnel. Security should seek to aid medical staff in enforcement of quarantine procedures or medical treatment as necessary.
Secure Areas Secure areas unlocked and accessible to all authorized personnel. High Security Areas and areas with an expectation of privacy, such as bedrooms, dorms, or medical treatment facilities, may be locked as needed.
Medical Report to supervisor for orders. Full suit sensors heavily advised. EVA suits recommended for emergency responders, functioning internals and PPE heavily advised.
Engineering Standard practice.
Rules of Engagement Engage with minimal force required; prioritize de-escalation whenever possible.

Yellow Alert

Elevated alert status. There is a major issue with the atmospheric system, the station has suffered/is about to suffer significant damage, or there is another significant engineering emergency.

Condition Description
Chain of Command CO > Chief Engineer > Engineering Personnel > Department Heads > Supervisory Roles
Armoury Policy Issuing of lethal weapons disadvised. EVA protection heavily advised for all personnel.
Discipline Report to supervisor for orders. Non-engineering personnel advised to evacuate affected areas and obey any relevant instructions from engineering personnel. Security should seek to aid engineering staff where possible.
Secure Areas Secure areas unlocked and accessible to all authorized personnel. High Security Areas and areas with an expectation of privacy, such as bedrooms, dorms, or medical treatment facilities, may be locked as needed.
Medical Full suit sensors heavily advised. EVA suits and functioning internals recommended for emergency responders.
Engineering EVA suits heavily advised for engineers. Distribute emergency internals to crew. Propose evacuation if damage is irreparable or sufficiently hazardous.
Rules of Engagement Engage with minimal force required; prioritize de-escalation whenever possible.

White Alert

Elevated alert status. The station is suffering dangerously high levels of glimmer, there are several active psionic threats, or there is another significant epistemic emergency.

Condition Description
Chain of Command CO > Mystagogue > Epistemics Personnel > Department Heads > Supervisory Roles
Armoury Policy Open carry of weaponry permitted for authorised entities. Standard stab- and bullet-resistant equipment recommended for Security personnel. Psionic insulation recommended for all personnel.
Discipline Report to supervisor for orders. Security and engineering should seek to aid epistemics staff in shutting off glimmer probers, and propose evacuation if glimmer spiral is unrecoverable.
Secure Areas Secure areas unlocked and accessible to all authorized personnel, unless affected by a known threat. High Security Areas and areas with an expectation of privacy, such as bedrooms, dorms, or medical treatment facilities, may be locked as needed.
Medical Full suit sensors heavily advised. Prepare for increased incidents of burn and brain damage.
Engineering EVA suits heavily advised for engineers. Distribute emergency internals to crew. Prepare for detonation of probers.
Rules of Engagement Engage with minimal force required; ROE on mindbreaking is lifted and may be performed by the Psionic Mantis or Mystagogue at their discretion.

Gamma Alert

Emergency alert status. Central Command has called the Gamma Alert; the Station is on its last legs, almost everyone is dead, or there is another existential crisis affecting the station.

Condition Description
Chain of Command CO > Security Personnel > Department Heads > Supervisory Roles
Armoury Policy Issuing of lethal weapons heavily recommended. Body armour and helmets mandatory for Security personnel, permitted for distribution to authorised personnel. EVA protection heavily advised for all personnel.
Discipline Report to supervisor for general orders. Martial law is in effect. Arrests, searches, and raids may be performed at the discretion of security personnel and without a warrant. Threats neutralised by lethal force may be placed in Preservative Stasis until the station alert level is reduced. Security is fully authorised to take whatever actions deemed necessary to neutralise or repel station threats. Propose evacuation or scuttling if station cannot be retaken.
Secure Areas All HSAs should remain locked and under guard. Secure areas unlocked unless affected by known threats.
Medical Full suit sensors mandatory for observation and safety. EVA suits and functioning internals heavily advised for emergency responders.
Engineering EVA suits heavily advised for engineers. Distribute emergency internals to crew.
Rules of Engagement Engage with adequate force to neutralise threats. Lethal force authorised at the discretion of Security personnel, in self-defence, or to effect arrests.

Delta Alert

Emergency alert status. The nuclear destruction mechanism has been engaged and station destruction is imminent. All crew aboard the station must attempt to reverse the self-destruct mechanism, if engaged in error. Should reversal prove impossible, evacuate as applicable.

Condition Description
Chain of Command CO > Security Personnel > Department Heads > Supervisory Roles
Armoury Policy Issuing of lethal weapons heavily recommended. Body armour and helmets mandatory for Security personnel, permitted for distribution to authorised personnel. EVA protection heavily advised for all personnel.
Discipline Emergency personnel must expend all efforts to prevent station destruction if engaged in error. Security and Command personnel are to oversee the evacuation of personnel and safe scuttling of the station. Martial law is in effect. Arrests, searches, and raids may be performed at the discretion of security personnel and without a warrant. Threats neutralised by lethal force may be placed in Preservative Stasis until the station alert level is reduced. Security is fully authorised to take whatever actions deemed necessary to neutralise or repel station threats.
Secure Areas All secure areas and HSAs should remain locked.
Medical Full suit sensors heavily advised. EVA suits and functioning internals heavily advised for emergency responders.
Engineering EVA suits heavily advised for engineers. Distribute emergency internals to crew.
Rules of Engagement Engage with adequate force to neutralise threats. Lethal force authorised at the discretion of Security personnel, in self-defence, or to effect arrests.
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