This page needs revising! This page contains information that is either out-of-date or from a different source (e.g. Upstream SS14). Some information on this page may differ from how it actually works on Delta-V. Reason for revision: "Outdated due to the Rebase Update. Missing cleaning evidence and new fibers." |
What leaves evidence?
- Body parts inherit their owner's DNA
- Implanters upon injecting or drawing
- Syringes upon injecting or drawing
- Hyposprays upon injecting
- Medipens upon injecting
- Cigarettes/cigars/pipes upon putting in your mouth
- Blunt/Slashing/piercing melee weapons on hitting someone
- Puddles of blood
- Touching items, doors and any equipment
Fibers and Gloves
If you aren't given a fingerprint on the Forensic Analyzer, you can still help identify suspects with fibers.
It is to note that fingerless gloves leave fingerprints AND fibers.
Evildoers: How to get rid of evidence?
It is possible to wipe off fingerprints/DNA/fibers using soap or a rag, should you need to clear your tracks. Rags will leave a fiber, and soap will leave a residue, to hint that the object was unusually cleaned.
The main barrier between you and a clean get-away, will be the Detective, who's Forensic Scanner is the main tool to discover left-behind forensics.