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Frequently used terms In Character, this can also be used OOC.


Short for Antagonists, which are specifically picked individuals designed to drive the round into chaos.


Short for Atmospherics.


A term for Atmospheric Technicians, or generally anyone who spends most of their time or is particularly skilled with Atmospherics.


Refers to a user who has disconnected from the game. Disconnected users may still reconnect to the server and assume control of their character again.


Animals, insects and monsters.


Short for the Captain of the station.

CentCom/Central Command

An administrative agency which oversees the Nanotrasen space station you inhabit.


Short for Chief Engineer, the head of the Engineering Department.


Short for Chief Medical Officer, the head of the Medical Department.


Refers to the health state at which you fall unconscious and unable to move. While in critical, your health slowly decays until you die, unless you happen to get outside assistance.


The Captain's authentication disk. Of considerable importance in the nuclear operatives game mode.


An Emergency Response Team. These may be dispatched by Central Command for a number of purposes.


Short for Head of Personnel, head of the Service Department.


Short for Head of Security.


Short for Mystagogue, the head of the Epistemics Department.


Short for Quartermaster, a worker in the Cargo department.


Typically utilized to refer to an Assistant due to the color of their standard uniform, though this may be used to negatively refer to other crew members (not only assistants) who act unruly or commit various minor crimes.


An IC term representing a Server Administrator.


A slang/shorthand term of a Nuclear Operative. May sometimes also appear as "Nuke Op".


A portmanteau of "New" and "Nukie" used to refer to an inexperienced player in the role of a Nuclear Operative.


Short for Sudden Sleep Disorder or Space Sleep Disorder. This is an in-character way to refer to a player who has disconnected and is no longer responding.


A catch-all reference to anyone employed by the Syndicate. This ranges from (suspected) Syndicate Agents to Nuclear Operatives.


A portmanteau of "Fluke" and "Nukie" used to (usually derogatorily) refer to a team of Nuclear Operatives who fail their objective. May also appear as "Fluke Ops".


Nanotrasen is the company which owns the space station you inhabit.


An event which causes an area to lose air pressure, i.e. a hull breach.


An intentional mis-spelling of "Space". May also appear in words such as "Spessmen".


A telecrystal, which is a currency used by Syndicate Agents to purchase restricted contraband such as weapons and other illegal equipment.


Frequently used terms Out of Character, this can be in the OOC chat channel or in the Discord/Forum. These terms refer to behavior or information outside of the game and should not be used in-character (IC).


This can refer to silly shenanigans done by an admin, a round dominated by such, or the admin(s) behind them. It can be positive (e.g. "an admeme spawned as a living golden toilet and turned my arm into a toilet, lmao"), neutral (e.g. "Was that weird gun an actual thing in the game or just admemes?"), or negative (e.g. "ADMEMES GODDAMN RUINED MY TRAITOR ROUND"). In addition to being a noun, it can also function as an adjective (e.g. "Haven't seen too many admeme rounds lately.") Some also simply use it as an silly word for admin, antics or no, but this is comparatively rare.

AHelp/Admin Help

A relay used to report rulebreaking behavior or other issues to administrators. Adminhelp is where you should report any grief you may come across. If there are no admins currently on, your adminhelp will still be sent to a dedicated Discord channel where there are usually a couple of admins.


An in-game admin PM, typically in the context of receiving them (e.g. "I'm afraid I'll get bwoinked if I'll try that gimmick") or an admin sending them (e.g. "The admins will bwoink you if you try to TTV the nuclear bomb.") "Getting bwoinked" is essentially a colorful term for "getting in trouble": though admins send PMs for many other reasons (e.g. helping someone sort out a bug, responding to someone who sent a report), one of the more common uses (i.e. the one players most often associate with admin PMs) is talking to players who've broken the Rules. The admins themselves don't use the term "bwoink" very often; it's a lot more common among players (i.e. non-admins).


A chat channel dedicated to the dead, which can only be seen by other dead players.


The baseline version of the game. Any changes to Upstream will "flow" down to all other forks of the game. All official Wizard's Den servers work off of Upstream.


Low Roleplay. Servers marked LRP typically have relaxed roleplaying rules.


Medium Roleplay. Servers marked MRP usually have a decent basis of roleplaying rules and generally require players to act as their character would realistically in a given situation. Less leeway is afforded to behavior such as openly defying Security or your boss.


High Roleplay. Servers marked HRP generally have extensive rules on what is and is not constituted while playing a character. You are generally required to act as your character would, have a character backstory, and follow protocol on the station. Some HRP servers may create their own lore or settings to further facilitate the type of server they wish to host.


A term for a player who engages in antagonist-like activity without actually being an antagonist. This encompasses a wide variety of behavior, but is typically used to describe annoying behavior or actions which are greatly detrimental to other players for no purpose. Self-antagonism is a bannable offense. Sometimes used in IC.

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Command Standard Operating Procedure · Alert Procedure · Space Law · Company Policy · Shipyard · High-Risk Items
Security Security Officer · Alert Procedure · Standard Operating Procedure · Space Law · Company Policy · Forensics
Engineering Construction · Power · Atmospheric Science · Hacking · Pipes and vents · Gases · Setting up the mix chamber
Epistemics Research and Development · Xenoarcheology · Anomalous Research · Reverse Engineering · Glimmer · Psionics · Golemancy · The Oracle · Robotics
Medical Medical · Chemistry · Cryogenic Pods
Logistics Shuttle Piloting · Supply Crates · Lavaland · Salvaging and Mining · Shuttle Construction
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Antagonists Guide to Traitor · Syndicate Items · High-Risk Items
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