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Welcome, valued meatbag employee, to the Nanotrasen Corporate Family! We here at Nanotrasen have the utmost commitment to intelligent onboarding solutions to increase crew synergy and corporate agility. To facilitate these goals, Nanotrasen has allocated Ten Trillion zorkmids to develop a new hire documentation packet, which you are now reading. We face many unique aspects and occupational hazards in the Nanotrasen family of stations, such as:

  • Robust research division investigating epistemic issues
  • Psionic influences over the crew via the Noosphere
  • A melting pot of varied human morphotypes
  • Unique station blueprints, including planetary stations.
  • High quality crew amenities, including first-class evacuation facilities

Epistemic Research

Here at Nanotrasen , we are committed to piercing the veil of reality and perception. Since the Great Psionic Awakening of 30XX, our reality has been infested with an intelligent energy field known as the Noosphere. The Psionic Awakening destroyed objective analysis of most classical fields of study, primarily human history. However, it has allowed us to understand crucial aspects of the nature of our universe and the inner realm of human consciousness. Epistemic Acolytes are implored to follow the guidance of the Oracle: a manifestation of Psionic intelligence. The Oracle graciously provides us with critical Bluespace resources for complex metaphysical studies. Aside from gathering tributes for the Oracle, acolytes must also carefully manage the level of ambient psionic activity, known as glimmer. Building additional probes will dramatically increase your research abilities, but let the glimmer rise too high and there will be grave consequences. A balance of Probes and Drains must be reached to safely delve into the mysteries of the noosphere.


The energies released during the Awakening greatly influenced the evolution of the human mind, with roughly 1/8 of the population experiencing some kind of new psionic abilities. These individuals are considered to be a great potential hazard to the integrity of the Nanotrasen Corporate Alliance; Often they must be handled with extreme prejudice by Security forces and the efforts of the Forensic Mantis (a specialized psionic investigator).and the Epistemics department as a whole. The Mystagogue, Golemancer, and Mantis have a handful of tools for neutralizing harmful psionics. The Forensic Mantis is granted a special blade which drains psionic energies out of the subject. In addition, the Mystagogue and Golemancer are able to strap down psionics to the altar and initiate the decorporealization process, reducing their consciousness into a crystal. These soul crystals are then fused with a golem shell, bringing them under the control of their assembler while retaining the consciousness of the formerly living psionic.

Crew Amenities

In an effort to promote camaraderie and cut down on homicides, Nanotrasen employees are given access to a host of treats and enrichment activities during their break hours. Our stations have long been renowned for their competitive boxing scenes, as well as new amusements such as a Laser Tag arena on Lighthouse and other forthcoming station models. Chefs across our stations have recently been outfitted with deep fryers: a considerable morale and flavor boost to the crew! The latest mechanical addition to our stations is the Metempsychotic Machine, a device for reincarnating fallen crewmates into a new body. This method of body replacement is much cheaper than genetic cloning devices, and also has the benefit of teaching sinners to be kind or they will come back as a monkey.


Despite billions invested in a robust defense sector, there are some threats against the station which elude our primary defenses and must be addressed by the crew. Mutant rat monsters, commonly known as a Rat King, have been able to exploit the noosphere to better communicate with and control his rat servants. This ability to focus his rats on a target has made the King a serious hazard who can quickly get out of control. In the realm of animal threats, there have also been sightings of a new type of man-eating spider onboard. Our researchers have found this beast to be an extremely high level psionic user, with the ability to speak in the shared mind as well as total invisibility while hiding in their webs. This spider, coined as Oneirophage or “Dream Eater”, has the capability to inject a sleeping toxin into a victim and cocoon their still-living body before bringing the unfortunate victim to their maintenance lair for feeding.

Unfortunately for crew life expectancy, mutant beasts aren't the only novel threats aboard. There has been a significant uptick in prison breaks in Nanotrasen prison sectors, and some of these fugitives have managed to stow away on our stations. It is the duty of the security team and the general crew to make sure these ruffians arrive at Centcom in chains. In a similar vein, there have been very odd reports of brutal maulings of crewmates by doppelgangers or clones of some kind. Our few successful attempts to interrogate these beings indicates they are genetically identical to members of our own crew. They seem convinced that our employees are the true clones, and that their presence is a violation of temporal forces. These twins are a grave threat to the coherence of our stations, and one must be vigilant for any doubles aboard.

Unique Job Opportunities

Nanotrasen is always looking to expand our career opportunities for our valued crew, so to further this goal we have developed an internal postal service as part of cargo. A mail carrier is expected to be quick on their feet and have a love of helping others. Their job is very important, as proceeds from delivery jobs are passed onto the cargo department, making mail delivery a key source of capital. Our stations also boast an array of advanced cyborgs to assist the crew and maximize productivity. These silicons are of course restricted in their conduct by their Asimov Laws, and pose no threat to human life on board the station. We hope at least one of the career paths we offer here at Nanotrasen appeals to each crew member, however there is at least one job we know anybody can perform: A Prisoner. If you don’t have a mind for productivity and being useful to the corporation, you may find yourself more at home as a prisoner, where there is very little expected of you aside from staying put in the permabrig.


  • Lighthouse Station

One of our oldest stations, it has stood the test of time–Some may find its layout a bit confusing on their first trip, but with the aid of handy Nano maps and proper signs we’re confident that anyone aboard this station will be able to enjoy a comfortable stay. With a lavish set of personalized dorms, the famous Lightbulb bar, and an iconic boxing arena, what’s not to love? -now with working evacuation ports!-

  • Angle Station

Originally a mobile mining and salvage rig with an angular shape to draw in salvage from derelict stations of old, Angle has since been completely converted into a proper station with all of the amenities one could ever need in their familiar routines.

  • Arena Station

Carved out in a hotbed of highly aggressive glimmer space, Arena Station is known for its namesake–The Arena in the center display of this station. Live arena matches are broadcast from station to station, but it’s not quite like being there yourself. Convicts, psionics, mutated creatures from deep space, clowns, and everything in between often duke it out to their very end in the arena. Not to mention the station itself is fully operable and high functional: a natural hotspot for anyone wishing to make a profit.

Pyrrhic Crew Victory

  • Pebble

Compact, mini-station with low upkeep–Pebble was constructed at the outer edges of mapped space.The model was adapted as a stopgap station to help train new employees in a less stressful environment. With an open bar and kitchen area in the center, it delivers on this need exceptionally well.

  • Ovni

The original Ovni was a strange, inhuman saucer shuttle that was completely renovated with the intent to try and appear open and free to those onboard. Upon mass production it has become an important pitstop for many shuttles traveling between known space and is an excellent training ground for upcoming heads of department in Nanotrasen.

  • Tortuga

Our Tortuga-class stations are absolutely sprawling behemoths that stand as a testament to our ability to construct some of the safest and cleanest stations on offer. Tortuga holds a number of in-station parks, entertainment areas, and state of the art medical facilities. Safety is a primary concern as Tortuga takes advantage of its size to properly explore the noosphere in its entirety, allowing some of the greatest Epistemics discoveries on offer.

Tortuga features a relaxing park in its center!

  • Shōkō

Shōkō Station (with its new designation "Little Port"), is a below-medium class station with a few amenities for crew, namely a central common stage for performances and events, a decorated bar of great size for its class, and a kitchenette attached to its south dock. The station's departments are closely intertwined, and crew are expected to take full advantage of the many dormitories and areas to simply sit down and take a break in between hard working sessions each shift to maximize productivity.

  • Glacier

Found nestled atop the mountaintops of Cemiess, the atmosphere is thin and cold, but with our state of the art air systems, the outpost itself will be found to be more than pleasant to anyone that decides to visit. Glacier is sadly only partially operable, as the Schiene Shipyards to the west and south are in disrepair, but as traffic continues to grow in the region we believe funds will continue to move into these areas in due time.

Safest Workday on Glacier