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A skill that you can use to grant yourself illicit access to pieces of technology, or apply unintended side effects to pieces of technology.
The gear that you should probably prepare before hacking.
Insulated Gloves - In order to not immediately get zapped. Hackables have power lines, and cutting/pulsing these without gloves can and will harm you. It's possible(?) to hack without them, but it will be slow, painful, and you'll need ointment.
Screwdriver - In order to access the maintenance panel, you must first obtain a screwdriver. A necessary tool.
Wirecutters - Allows you to cut and mend the wires, allowing for more long-term hacking. Can also reverse effects of the multitool.
Multitool - Allows you to pulse the wires. Also very good for learning which wire does which. Needed to unbolt the door if the bolts go down.
Crowbar - Allows you to forcibly open a door. Works when the power is out or you've hacked away the power.
Multiple powered devices are hackable. Doors and vending machines are the most common to hack.
The process for starting to hack something is a very simple process:
- Screwdriver
in hand, click on the object to open its maintenance panel and expose the wiring.
- With a multitool
, wirecutters
or empty hands, click on the object to access the wiring.
- Pulse wires using the multitool
or cut wires with the wirecutters
- Screwdriver
the object again to shut its maintenance panel.
Remember, if you are trying to hack to get into unauthorised places or getting unauthorised objects you can potentially be sent to the brig, demoted, or even banned. If you are an Engineer, you may be asked by an authorised person to get into certain areas or get certain objects in an emergency situation but generally the right call (if you are not an antag) is to ask the relevant person first or the relevant Head of Staff.

In order to hack an object, you need to figure out what wire does what by pulsing it with a multitool or cutting it with a wirecutter. The wire cutters make a semi permanent change (but you can reverse it by repairing the broken wire). Multi Tool effects are temporary when the power is on (and the timer controls this).
Above each wire there is a light. The lights indicate whether each item is ON or OFF. If the lights are big circles it means that item is ON. A smaller light means that item is OFF. BUT, Signals passed my Links are not shown in the Hacking GUI: so the visual indicator of the state (size of circles) can lie, until the first cut wire or first pulse done inside the Hacking GUI.
To note is that all the wires for every objects are randomized at the start of the shift.
Every types of airlocks is hackable. Normal airlock have 8 wires. Two of them go to power. 8 Wires: POWR_1, POWR_2, LOG, BOLT, BLIT, TIMR, SAFE, AIA.
High Security Doors follow the same logic as normal airlocks except they have additional steps to get the maintaince panel open.
Ouputs: Airlocks
DOOR STATUS (ON = Open, OFF = when finishes closing)
Inputs: Airlocks
- turns off automatic closing
- ON = door gets bolted, sound "Pip-TuDu"
- OFF = door gets unbolted, sound "Pup-TuDu"
Name | ON/TRUE State | OFF/FALSE State | Usage |
POWR : Cycle Power | Door is turned in powered down state | Door is normal operation |
Determines whether power is getting to the door. If the door is unpowered, you can open it with a crowbar unless the bolts are down. When power is supplied and the one of the two POWR wires are Restored: resets Door state to default except for the BOLT state. Without insulated gloves one can't cut these wire, as you just get shocked.
LOG : Logging | normal operation | does not log people(?) | Something for Detectives..
BOLT : Door's Bolt | door is set in a un-toggleable state until unbolted | normal operation |
Controlling the door possibility to change state - Open/Closed. The door bolt "freezes" the door in the current state. In other words: the bolt keeps a door open or shut.
BLIT : Bolt's Lights | normal operation | bolt lights will not come on if power is on |
Controls the lights at the bortom of the door.
TIMR : Timer | normal operation, delay is present | the timer that automatically closes the door when the power is on will not activate |
Normally the door will stay open after opening for a duration. If disabled the timer that automatically open or close the door when the power is on will not activate. The door will instead stay open or closed, but people can still open and close manually (unlike if the door was bolted).
SAFE : Safety | normal operation | allows the door to close on a person, dealing high blunt damage |
SAFE is the function that keeps the door open when somebody is standing in it. Only gets checked if the TIMR is still enabled.
AIA : AI Access | normal operation | no door control for AI(?) |
Air Alarm
Station flooded with plasma and all of the Atmos Techs and CE are incompetent and/or dead? Best to take matters into your own hands. Air Alarms only have 3 wires, each going to one feature.
Ouputs: Air Alarm
Inputs: Air Alarm
Name | ON/TRUE State | OFF/FALSE State | Usage |
POWR : Cycle Power | normal operation | Air Alarm is turned OFF | Determines whether power is getting to the air alarm. If the air alarm is unpowered, it's not going to do much.
NETW : Network | normal operation | (Unknown) |
AIA : AI Access | normal operation | no Air Alarm control for AI (?) |
Vending Machines
The only thing worth hacking. Vending machines have 7 wires: POWR, ACC, LOG, MNGR, VEND, SPKR. 2 wires can't be cut for some vending machines.
Ouputs: Vending Machines
Inputs: Vending Machines
Name | ON/TRUE State | OFF/FALSE State | Usage |
POWR : Cycle Power | normal operation | Vending Machine is turned OFF | Determines whether power is getting to the vending machine. If the vending machine is unpowered, no one can buy from it.
ACC : Access control | normal operation, restricts access | normal operation, all access | Determines whether the vending machine checks for the appropriate access level of the person ID card. If you disable Access then anyone can access the vending machine and dispense items from it.
LOG : Logging | normal operation | does not log crew actions (?) | Something for Detectives.. a data trail.
MNGR : Manager | Normal operation. Contraband is hidden. | Contraband is visible. Icon is blinking ON-OFF. | Toggles illegal/rare goods availability on/off. If the icon is blinking, it's toggled on.
VEND : Vending | normal operation | Vending Machine throws items in random directions violently instead of normal vending | When pulsed, will make the machine dispense an item by firing in a random direction.
SPKR : Speaker | normal operation | quiet operation | Snipping the SPKR wire stops all speech from the vending machine.
AIA : AI Access | normal operation | no Vending control for AI (?) |
File:Igniter.png Igniter
Small igniter, a fire starter. Creates a spark.
Ouputs: Vending Machines
Inputs: Vending Machines
Remote Signaller
Remote signaller is a handheld device that can be linked electronicly to other devices to send a pulse. Can be linked to more than one device. Has only one button that creates the wireless output signal that is capable to travel 15 meters.
Ouputs: Remote Signaller
Inputs: Remote Signaller
File:Jukebox.png Jukebox
The music device to have if you are throwing a party, or you need a sound track for the unspeakable acts about to comence. Has 4 wires: POWR, AIA, and 2 wires don't do anything.
Ouputs: Jukebox
Inputs: Jukebox
Name | ON/TRUE State | OFF/FALSE State | Usage |
POWR : Cycle Power | Jukebox is turned OFF | normal operation | Determines whether power is getting to the Jukebox.
AIA : AI Access | normal operation | no Jukebox music control for AI (?) |
File:Arcade.png Arcade
Something to take the crew's mind off fleeting nature of life.
Ouputs: Arcade
Inputs: Arcade
Name | ON/TRUE State | OFF/FALSE State | Usage |
POWR : Cycle Power | Arcade is turned OFF | normal operation | Determines whether power is getting to the Arcade.
SPKR : Speaker | normal operation | quiet operation | Snipping the SPKR wire stops all music.
AIA : AI Access | normal operation | no Arcade gaming for AI (?) |
LMYR : Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown
MNGR : Contraband Games (?) | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown
Ouputs: Intercom
Inputs: Intercom
Name | ON/TRUE State | OFF/FALSE State | Usage |
POWR : Cycle Power | Intercom is turned OFF | normal operation | Determines whether power is getting to the Intercom.
SPKR : Speaker | normal operation | quiet operation | Snipping the SPKR wire stops all Radio output.
MIC : Microphone | normal operation | Dead microphone | Snipping the MIC wire stops all Radio input.
File:Signal Button.png Signal Button
A button installed in the wall. It pulses only once when manualy pressed. It has no memory of previous state.
Ouputs: Signal Button
Inputs: Signal Button
File:Signal Switch.png Signal Switch
A switch button installed in the wall. It pulses only once when manualy pressed. It has two possible states.
Ouputs: Signal Switch
- ON
- High\ON signal if Switch Button is in state ON
- High\ON signal if Switch Button is in state OFF
- High\ON signal if Switch Button is in state ON
- Low\OFF if Switch Button is in state OFF
Inputs: Signal Switch
File:Two way lever.png Two way lever
A lever installed in the floor. It pulses once when manually pulled. It has three possible states.
Ouputs: Two way lever
- High\ON signal if lever is in the left state
- High\ON signal if lever is in the right state
- High\ON signal if lever is in the middle state
Inputs: Two way lever
File:Signal Timer.png Signal Timer
A timer installed in the wall. It pulses once when it runs out and once on the start of the countdown.
Ouputs: Signal Timer
- High\ON when timer starts
- High\ON when timer ran out of time
Inputs: Signal Timer
- controls the timer start
File:Lights.png Lights
Any light mounted on the station's structure. Has two states: emitting light and OFF.
Ouputs: Lights
Inputs: Lights
- ON
- If signaled - turns the light on
- If signaled - turns the light off
- If signaled - toggles the lights state
- When you shift click on an object, it will tell you whether the Panel is open or closed. If it is closed, you need a Screwdriver to open it.
- Using a crowbar on a powered door will give you a message "the powered motors block you efforts".
- If the bolts are down then the door will give you a message "the airlock bolts prevent it from being forced!".
- Remember to close the Panel when you're finished doing whatever it is you needed to do.