This page needs revising! This page contains information that is either out-of-date or from a different source (e.g. Upstream SS14). Some information on this page may differ from how it actually works on Delta-V. Reason for revision: "Extremely outdated due to the Rebase Update. Page info needs to reflect new technology trees, new technologies and ways of researching." |
Research and Development
Research and Development (commonly called R&D or RnD) is the job of the Scientists in Epistemics. Through scientific analysis of alien artifacts and obsequious service to a talking statue, you'll unlock the secrets of new technology for the entire station.
R&D gameplay largely revolves around the acquisition and use of research points to gain new technologies for the station.
Point Generation
Research points can be acquired through a few different sources.
Research points are generated passively by active Glimmer Probers. Your passive generation is limited to (7,500 * Probers). You can also generate points actively by activating alien artifacts and obeying The Oracle. The Oracle is a stone statue somewhere on the station that requests different items be given over to it. In exchange, you will be granted research points disks and bluespace crystals.
A profitable form of point generation is Xenoarcheology, which is the process of analyzing and activating different randomly generated artifacts that can be found via events or salvage debris. Most artifacts have more than one "Stimulus-Reaction" combination (known as Nodes), so make sure to scan and activate as many of them as you can before destroying the artifact for points, selling it to Logistics, or keeping it around because it's effects are cool enough to warrant keeping.
Another highly valuable source of research points is Anomalous Research. Most Epistemics departments come equipped with an Anomaly Generator, Anomalous Particle Emitters (A.P.E.) and Anomaly Vessels, which are used to spawn, interact with, and generate points from anomalies respectively. Anomalies can come in different forms, ranging from raging balls of pink-hot matter, to electrically-discharging motes of light, to radioactive gravity wells, so make sure to wear some protective gear while studying them.
Points can also be acquired through research disks, which can be found in maintenance, salvaged from space, given as a result of identifying a disease or from giving the Oracle what it desire.
R&D Computer

In the R&D computer new technologies can be unlocked via points.
To research a technology, click on it if it's in the Unlockable technologies column. Technologies in the Future technologies are locked behind others, requiring you to research a previous technology (in the Unlockable technologies column). Technologies in the Unlocked technologies section have already been researched.
Your protolathe holds most of your researched recipes. All of the bluespace crystals go here. You can use them to make cool stuff like bags of holding, quantum spin inverters, and so on.
Circuit Imprinter
The Circuit Imprinter is a machine capable of printing machine boards used for creating machines and computers. They require steel, glass and sometimes gold.
Technology Tiers and Categories
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New tech will usually unlock new recipes for machines which have synchronized their database with the R&D Server in use.
Category | Tier | Name | Price (Research Points) | Unlocks |
Armaments | 1 | Energy Guns | 7500 | - Energy gun
- Miniature energy gun - Chase cyborg module |
Civilian Services | 2 | Syringe Gun | 10000 | - Syringe gun
- Mini syringe |
Experimental | 2 | Artifact Recycling | 5000 | - Artifact crusher machine board |
Industrial | 1 | Mechanical Compression | 10000 | - Flatpacker 1001 machine board |
Unlockable Machines and Equipment
This page is a stub! This page is a stub, meaning it is considered too short, incomplete and/or lacking information about the page's subject. You can help Delta-V by expanding it. |
Image | Name | Technology | Description | Source |
Circuit Imprinter (Epistemics) | ||||
Circuit Imprinter (Epistemics) | ||||
Tools and Equipment
Image | Name | Technology | Description | Source | Restricted? |
![]() |
Mining Drill | Salvage Equipment (I1) | An upgrade from a pickaxe that can be used to mine ore quicker. Fits in a pocket. Useful for Salvagers. | Protolathe (Epistemics) | No |
Power Drill | Advanced Tools (I2) | Upgrade to the screwdriver, with the capacity to also anchor and unanchor like a wrench. | Protolathe (Epistemics) | No | |
Jaws of Life | Power Drill | Opens any powered or unpowered (but not bolted!) door, at the cost of a delay and a quite loud noise. Also acts as a combination of wirecutters and crowbar | Protolathe (Epistemics) | Yes | |
High-capacity Power Cell | Advanced Power Cells (I1) | Quite simply a better power cell. | Protolathe (Epistemics) | No | |
Image | Name | Technology | Description | Source | Armament Category |
Energy gun | Energy Guns (A1) | Security Fabricator (Security) | D | ||
Miniature energy gun | Energy Guns (A1) | Security Fabricator (Security) | D | ||
Other (Borg Modules, etc.)
Image | Name | Technology | Description | Source |
Exosuit Fabricator (Robotics) | ||||
"I can't get any points!"
The R&D Computer probably isn't synced up to the R&D Server. Click Server List, then ID x || RDSERVER and exit the window.
"I can't print anything!"
The machine you're using also need to be synced up to the R&D Server. Follow the steps above and click "Sync." Also, recipes do not appear on all machines; for example, most Machine Boards only appear in the Circuit Imprinter, and most ammunition only appears in the SecFab.