We're happy you've shown interest in contributing to the wiki. We welcome all editors and assume good faith for all edits made, so there are very few protected pages. Don't be afraid to jump in and start creating and modifying pages.
Getting Started
Getting started is quite simple. All you need is to log in using your SS14 account to be able to edit the wiki. In summary:
- Get SS14 on Steam.
- Create a SS14 account.
- You are now able to log in and you should now be able to see "edit" buttons on the wiki.
Important notes
- Please summarize your edits. You will see a textbox for a summary near the 'Save page' button when making an edit. It provides detail and clarity to a page's history and the Recent Changes log
- The wiki, for the most part, should be tailored to new players. If you are a veteran and you want to share more advanced tips and tactics, please create a clear divide between that and the other content. For example, create a new header titled "Advanced (subject)"
- The "Edit" button utilizes Mediawiki's Visual Editor, which provides a fancy interface for users who may be less proficient with wikicode.
- The "Show Preview" button allows you see your changes without submitting it. Make use of it to avoid submitting changes that you don't want to send or to avoid a lot of small minor changes in the logs.
How to Help
New content is constantly being added to Space Station 14 and Delta-V which needs tutorials and documentation. Make sure the page you want to write does not already exist before composing a new one. We welcome all contributions to the wiki and trust all edits to be made in good faith. As a recommendation, if you wish to work on a page uninterrupted and not worry about other users' edits while working, make it in your personal sandbox area or anywhere in your own pages.
If you are unsure about what to do or how to properly add something to a page, feel free to check out #guidebooks-tips-wiki-work on Discord.
Content Revisions
There are almost always large sections of the wiki that have become out of date. A list of pages that need revisions can be found here.
Before removing the {{Needs revision}}
tag, be sure to read the page and any comments on the discussion page. Once that's done, simply update the parts that are out-of-date with the new information! If the information on the page has been moved to or deprecated by another page on the wiki, simply replace the page's content with #REDIRECT [[New page name]]
to help users to find the new information. Remember to match the capitalization on the link.
In addition, be sure to leave a short note in the "Summary" field above the "Save Page" button. It doesn't have to be very detailed. Something like "Fixed spelling" or "Added new melee weapons" is fine, and it helps people looking through Recent Changes and a page's history quickly know what's changed between revisions.
If you're uncomfortable editing the page itself, add a note to the discussion page, and someone else will add the information to the article.
Minor Edits
Likewise, there's plenty of pages that could use style revisions, links to helpful resources, formatting fixes, and other small changes that don't add any content but improve the page nonetheless. As with all writing, there's always room for revisions.
Unlike with content updates, you don't have to consult with the talk page or anything like that. Just make the changes you want, make sure the "This is a minor edit" button is checked as a small courtesy, as always, include a brief description of the changes you've made in the "Summary" field.
Uploading new images
Many pages across the wiki have missing images. To help, simply upload them and add them to the page they're intended for. It is appreciated if the pictures of items you add have a blank background and are in the .gif or .png format.
The easiest way to add images of items is to download the source code, find the image you want in the Texture folder, then upload them here: https://wiki.delta-v.org/view/Special:Upload
NOTE: make sure you're keeping everything in the native resolution or non-stretched (32x32, 64x64)!
Updating existing images
It is possible for an image to become depreciated following an update to the source code. To update an existing obsolete image, you can:
- Visit the upload page and upload your new image with the same filepath as the old image.
- Visit its page on the wiki (by either clicking the image itself or searching for its name using the "File:" prefix in the search bar), click on "upload a new version of this file" under "File history", and select your new image on the upload page.
All depreciated versions of the image will remain on the File's history page for posterity.
NOTE: Images can only be updated with files of the same format: .png images cannot be updated to .gif, and vice-versa. This is because files are saved on a page that includes their format in its name. Due to how caching works, it might take a little bit for the images to be updated.
Don't Know Wikicode? You Can Still Help
Simply click on the "discussion" link at the top of a page and leave your comments there. Someone more comfortable with wiki editing will make the necessary changes. If you're on the Delta-V Discord, you can also drop your request in the #guidebooks-tips-wiki-work channel.
Wikicode is the strange syntax used by all wikipedias, including this one. Our wikicode page provides good examples on how to insert headers, templates, tables, images, and more.
If you want to learn wikicode, it's an extremely simple language to learn. MediaWiki's Help:Formatting article is the definite wikimarkup reference list, and Wikipedia:Help:Wiki_markup works as well. Learning wiki markup is not mandatory, you can still help without even using it.
Marking for revision and deletion
If a page is out of date or doesn't have a reason for existing, add one of the following tags to the top of the page:
{{Needs revision}}
{{Needs revision | reason = Out of date.}}
{{Delete | reason=A good reason.}}
Marking for obsolescence
If a page exist to provide certain information about something that is no longer part of the game, add the following tag to the top of the page:
{{Obsolete | reason=Short reason of removal and PR number}}
Some references are designed to be entertaining. However, a new player might not realize something is a joke or sarcasm, even if it's blatantly obvious to the rest of us. This is especially important when writing guides. Think about where jokes fit and where they don't, and if they're actually funny.
Useful pages
Categories: Used, unused and wanted
Templates: Used, unused and wanted
All pages: All existing pages and Wanted pages
Tagged for editing: Needs revision, Stubs, Marked for deletion