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From Delta-V Wiki

DeltaV Rebase Update

Welcome to The DeltaV Rebase Wiki Update. This aims to update all features added or changed with the rebase to Wizden onto the wiki.

This update is expected to have somewhat of an impact on almost every articles on the wiki in some way, which is why this has been set up. Here, we can organise what needs to be added/updated and keep track of what still needs to be done.

This page is temporary and will be archived when no longer necessary.

Anyone is welcome to contribute but if you have to extensively edit or update an article, please make sure others are aware by saying so on the Discord (#guidebooks-tips-wiki-work).

If there's a name next to the pages to create / change, it means someone is actively working on it. No need to add your name for minor changes, like changing Acolyte to Scientist on all pages.

Work To Do

  • Identify and improve all articles possibly impacted by the rebase. This list is not exhaustive.
  • Fill the gaps – there are many missing articles and information due to the rebase.
  • Keep an updated records of the articles status on this page.

aka the big todo list


Update all guides name changes.
Add new guides.
Create the Logistics department (main 43331a, secondary 614a25) with Logistics Officer, Cargo Technician, Salvage Specialist, Courier
Add Detective to Security.
Add Logistics Officer to Command
Add Librarian to Service
Add Chemist, Medical Intern to Medical
Add Space Ninja and Revolutionary to Antagonists
Remove Quartermaster, Mail Carrier from Service
Remove Salvage Technician from Engineering
Remove Cataloguer from Epistemics
Remove Rat Servant from Antagonists
Rename Acolyte to Scientist
Rename Valet to Service Worker
Revamp the entire page and update the recipes.
Update page with new power source, TEG.
Update data about the AME, it can be once again overloaded and take the power tables from wizden's wiki.
Mark the page Obsolete.
Update Medical Reference for Chemistry.
Update Types of damage to add the new possible healing items (regenerative mesh, suture, etc)
Move maps that haven't been converted for the rebase to the Archived section.
Add new map.
Update all renders of active maps.
Update all maps player count.
Change Epistemics radio channel and add Logistics radio channel
Update info to reflect the ability to have a uplink implant
Update the reduced TC values and jobs.
Update objectives list to include the new objectives.
Replace all mentions of Forensic Mantis with Psionic Mantis
Move page to Playable Species
Update info to reflect possible changes in buffs, debuffs and diet.
Add Arachnids specie and sprites.
Add Harpy specie and sprites.
Remove Arachnes.
Update Moth sprites.
Update the article to contain the new weapons and damage values.
Remove any weapons and ammo types no longer in the code base.
Check for outdated sprites and update them.
Replace all mentions of Forensic Mantis with Psionic Mantis
Update crates list and prices.
Replace mention of Quartermaster with Logistics Officer. Also mention Cargo Tech's job of moving stuff.
Update all the crate icons.
Update info to includes the new plants and mutations.
Replace mentions of Acolyte with Scientist.
Update the Technology Trees.
Possibly update the point generation methods if required.
Add a part about technology disks and how they work
Add a part about machine upgrading
Update recipe list.
Update the entire list to reflect the added and removed items.
Replace all mentions of Acolyte with Scientist
Add the new pets and other various critters.
Add Pun Pun.
Update info related to stimulus and reactions if necessary.
Replace all mentions of Acolyte with Scientist
Add new anomalies.
Add Space Ninja
Add Revolutionary
Update ranged weapon update for having to rack the slide of guns.
Add any other potential change to combat.
Add Revolutionaries gamemode.
Update the various gamemodes info; Add random events link to survival, add antag win scenarios and what happens when they lose (shuttle called for nukie/rev)
  • PDA - (SageistSage)
Add new cartridges/programs suchs as the news thing and glimmer monitor, link to the potential mass-media guide whenever.
Copy this make it prettier and less of a wall of text.



Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Add 'Logistics Officer' to Subordinates.
Update "The Chain of Command" to fit the new SOP.


Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Replace 'Forensic Mantis' to 'Detective' in Subordinates.
Update job's sprite.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's sprite.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's sprite.

Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's sprite.


Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Replace 'Salvage Technician' with 'Technical Assistant' in Subordinates.
Remove 'Reverse Engineering' guide.
Update overall article, it is quite bare-bone.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.


Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update the JobHeader colors to new colors (main 4c1a4f, secondary 6f2773)
Add 'Reverse Engineering' guide.
Rename 'Forensic Mantis' to 'Psionic Mantis' in Subordinates.
Replace all mentions of Acolyte with Scientist
Remove 'Cataloguer' in Subordinates.
Add 'Research Assistant' in Subordinates.
Move the page to Psionic Mantis and rename the job to "Psionic Mantis"
Update the JobHeader colors to new colors (main 4c1a4f, secondary 6f2773)
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Remove 'Head of Security' from Supervisors.
Remove 'Forensics' from Guides.
Update entire article to focus on finding psionics, roleplay and how to deal with them.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update the JobHeader colors to new colors (main 4c1a4f, secondary 6f2773)
Move the page to Scientist and rename the job to "Scientist"
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update the JobHeader colors to new colors (main 4c1a4f, secondary 6f2773)
Change overall feel of the job towards more science and less cult.


Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Add 'Chemist' and 'Medical Intern' in Subordinates.
Add Cryogenic Pods in Guides
Remove Virogoly from the Guides.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Add Cryogenic Pods in Guides
Remove Virogoly from the Guides.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.


Move the page to Cargo Technician and rename the job to "Cargo Technician"
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update the JobHeader colors to new colors (main 43331a, secondary 614a25)
Change Supervisors to: Logistics Officer.
Move the page to Courier and rename the job to "Courier"
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update the JobHeader colors to new colors (main 43331a, secondary 614a25)
Change Supervisors to: Logistics Officer
Update job's sprite.
Move the page to Salvage Specialist and rename the job to "Salvage Specialist"
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update the JobHeader colors to new colors (main 43331a, secondary 614a25)
Change Supervisors to: Logistics Officer
Update job's sprite.


Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Remove 'Quartermaster' and 'Mail Carrier' from Subordinates.
Change their department to "SERVICE" and add |command=true to them.
Update info to reflect their job more as a Head for the service department.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Add header for the electric grill, how to use it and what it does.
New mentions of rolling pin + images.
Add mentions of the hot and cold food carts.
Move the page to Service Worker and rename the job to "Service Worker"
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's sprite.
Update description to be more in lines with their new job.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Move the page to Passenger and rename the job to "Passenger"
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update job's sprite
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Move the page to Librarian and rename the job to "Librarian"
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Remove the JobHeader colors, it will automatically use the Service colors.
Change department to SERVICE
Change Supervisors to: Head of Personnel
Update job's sprite.


Move the page to Cyborg and rename the job to "Cyborg"
Update job's accesses, extended access and requirements.
Update entire article to fit their new gameplay, tools and job.
  • Medical Robot
Obsolete the page.
Obsolete the page.


Update job's requirements.
Update the who can be traitor list.
Replace all mentions of Forensic Mantis with Psionic Mantis
Update job's requirements.
Update the sprite to use the new medic hardsuit.
Update the Equipment part to no longer have erroneous and duplicate information from Syndicate Items.
Obsolete the page.
Update job's requirements.
Update with new abilities to order rats around.
Update with ability to scavenge disposal chutes for food.
  • Rat Servant
Obsolete the page, no longer a ghost role.
Update job's requirements.
Remove Blight ability as Diseases no longer exists.
Replace Acolyte with Scientist
Replace all mentions of Forensic Mantis with Psionic Mantis
Replace all mentions of Acolyte with Scientist

Unrelated to Rebase / Future work

  • Items - See TGWiki General Items, regroup all the random various stuff into a single page, no need for separate item pages. Maybe separate it into General, Medical, Engineering similar to TG?
  • Clothing - See TGWiki Clothing, regroup all the clothing armor pieces available on one page.
  • EMAG - Special page just for the emag item, list all the emagable stuff and what it does special to it. Change all previous emag link to there.
  • Paperwork - A how to use formatting for paper and a bunch of templates for quick usage.
  • Identifying Antagonists - A list of IC knowledge about Antags since it's assumed NT briefs their personnel on potential enemies. Some of this information has been placed within the Metashield, but its own dedicated page would be a good idea.
  • Spriting - A guide similar to Mapping inspired by goon for the spriters
  • Traits - List of traits; Table with; Name, description and what it does.
  • Emotes - but making it more clean, specifying which specie can do which
  • Random Events - List all the possible random events. Table with; Name, the announcement (colored) and what it does in game.
  • Logistics - Guide to gather all the info about doing cargo, salvage and bounties
  • Redo the job pages to have a better layout similar to ParadiseWiki and have less guide clutter. Aka do department things.
  • Lore page and lore stuff.
  • Chemistry and Drinks - Go manual until someone fixes the automatic system.
  • Potentially a guide about Mass-Media? Or just put it in Reporter.
  • Separate the guides quick menu into more specific menus.
  • Update the jobs page description to be more serious.
  • Add new guide to explain managing IDs and how to use the console so that every head can get that guide.
