This page needs revising! This page contains information that is either out-of-date or from a different source (e.g. Upstream SS14). Some information on this page may differ from how it actually works on Delta-V. Reason for revision: "This need to be written." |
<tabs> <tab inline name="Head Revolutionary">
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![]() Head Revolutionary |
Aliases and Nicknames: Undefined |
What is to be done?
You are disillusioned with Nanotrasen, or you're just a little upset, and you've set your sights to throw off your chains and dismantle the hierarchy aboard the station.
Your tool of the trade; is a modified Flash, which will convert anyone blinded into a loyalist Revolutionary. It is not fool-proof, Command Staff and Security forces are implanted with "mind shields", which protect them from conversion. Additionally, any staff wearing security glasses or sunglasses are immune to getting blinded, it is an important consideration when picking who to convert.
You are (most likely) alone, and your flash only has 5 charges. You need to be careful about who you convert, especially considering as any more flashes are behind closed doors in Epistemics in the RoboTech Deluxe; Security as standard-issue equipment. It's worth noting that interecepting a resupply crate for the Robotech Deluxe will give you access to the two-charge flashes from the vendor.
</tab> <tab inline name="Revolutionary">
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![]() Revolutionary |
Aliases and Nicknames: Undefined |
What is my role?
It doesn't matter who you were, or where you came from: you are now a fanatical loyalist to the Head Revolutionary. You will follow their orders, and lay down your life for the cause, whatever it may be. </tab> </tabs>
General Strategy
Every revolution makes it's own path; but there are some important considerations.
Of important note is the consideration of speed, and timing. A wise felinid once said; "there are decades where weeks happen, and then there are weeks where decades happen", it is possible to blitz through Security and overwhelm the station as a small but co-ordinated collective. It is equally possible to bide your time, grow your numbers and wash over the station like a wave. You can host secret meetings, pass along notes; codewords and ciphers but the end goal is still the same; to seize the ownership of the station and flush Nanotrasen out.
Of greatest importance, is that everyone is on the same page as the Head Revolutionary.
Security are the main obstacle between you, and the complete comeuppance of the Command Staff aboard the station. They're mind-shielded, and the only staff who come armed and trained to handle insurrections.
Logistics are the heart of the station, they can order more mindshield implants and are also capable of ordering more of the aforementioned RoboTech Restocks and weapons, which are likely to be important for the removal of Nanotrasen personnel off the station.
Medical are the heart surgeons for the hearts of the station; they will fix any wounded Security staff that you leave recoverable, as well as any Command Staff who you decide to leave unguarded.