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![]() Chef |
Aliases and Nicknames: Undefined |
As the chef, your goal is to provide food for the hungry masses using your trusty Microwave, Grinder, and Deep-fryer. Depending on the shift, some of the time you'll have almost no customers, while others you'll be overwhelmed. It is your job to coordinate with the bartender and the other chefs and manage food distribution and rationing, and the types of food needed for the current situation. Ask Botany for the required plants, or stick to animal products.
Open for Business
When starting your shift, your first job is to decide with the other chefs what's on the menu for the shift. Order the botanists on what to grow. Next, is to go to Cargo and order a Cow if you don't already have one. If there's no Botanists on your shift, contemplate getting your own hands dirty if you can get into Hydroponics. Alternatively, consider whether you can stomach cannibalism and if so, make a deal with Medical for unused corpses. You'll be competing with the Medical team and Cargo for precious corpses (both animal and human). Medical needs them for biomass and cargo wants them as they sell well. Remember to use the Radio to work closely with the crew.
In an emergency where you just cannot source ingredients, plead with the Chemists to generate sugar and salt out of thin air. Remember to return their container if you want them to not get irritated.
When ending your shift, remember to stock up on your created foodstuffs and haul them with you (in a crate if need-be) to Evac. On the shuttle be sure to fill the tables with your food.
Cooking and You
The Basics
Cooking is currently very simple as all you will require is a microwave and gathering ingredients. You will at times need the microwave, a beaker or a knife to prepare some raw ingredients (e.g. mix flour & water to get dough), check the cook book on the kitchen table for more info.
The main, and only, tool used for cooking is the microwave. See the Guide to Cooking for a list of recipes.
To serve your food, you can use the table that faces the main hallway or serve patrons in person. Theoretically, you can work with the Bartender to serve patrons in the bar, but most chefs don't.
This is a Knife
The knives at your disposals are invaluable in making food. You can cut cheese very easy with the knife, slice foods like pizza and cakes, and prepare other foods (test what you can cut with it). Some animals can be butchered with the knife as well.
Other than that, knives are also weapons! It is an excellent melee weapon.
Your neighbour most of the time, hydroponics, is a necessity for you to make most recipes. Take a gander at the window early on and see if there are any botanists working, and if there aren't any inside, wait a bit for one to be sent on the arrivals shuttle or go ask the Head of Personnel for botany access so that you can grow your own plants. They will most of the time grant you access because hydroponics isn't a high-risk area. Good things to ask the botanists for to start with are wheat, tomatoes, and potatoes. These three plants are used commonly in recipes, and after you ask botany for those you can ask them for other plants when they need to be used in a recipe.
All food contains the universal ingredient called "Nutriment". It's what nourishes you and heals your injuries when you eat. Although food might not heal you as quickly as the doctor can (or from the more exotic dangers of the station), it can often heal for more over time.
- A small menu will make your life (as well as Botany's) infinitely easier as you won't need a bazillion different ingredients on hand. Make sure all kitchen staff knows the recipes for the foods you want, teach them if necessary.
- Most cooked foods can be cut into slices, deliver these to customers instead of the entire batch. Food is expensive in labor and a single crewmember doesn't need a whole pizza.
- Different foods have different nutritional values. Many meat dishes have protein, and other healthy dishes have vitamins. Some healthy dishes, like nettle soup, may even have omnizine.
- You have a utensil dispenser, it is essentially a vending machine for cups, bowls, mugs, and the like. It also contains knives and your trusty cleaver. Thankfully it can only be accessed normally by the chefs, but if someone gains kitchen access, they can quickly gain a very deadly weapon. Don't be afraid to call Security if there is a trespasser, or complain to the Head of Personnel if they are giving out unneeded access.
- Your ingredient dispenser will help you get started while Botany is getting in gear.
- When holding a container such as a bucket or beaker, you can Alt+Click on a Cow in order to fill it with milk.
- A lot of recipes require Flour. You can craft it by grinding Wheat in your Grinder.
- The meat spike in your freeze can be used to easily turn humanoid corpses into meat. To do so, drag-and-drop the body onto the spike, then slice meat off the body with your knife. Note that the meat will be automatically labeled with the original creature's name, but this can be removed with a labeler or by cooking with it if needed.
- If you plan to work in your freezer, whether because you need to store corpses or butcher animals, you should wear a winter coat to avoid cold damage, especially if you are reptilian as you will freeze much faster. Your ChefDrobe can provide you with one such coat. If you do end up freezing, you can treat the damage with Dermaline at Medbay (chemists usually stock up on those and leave them on the front counter).
- While not strictly Antagonists, mice are your greatest enemy. They are small, nimble, and they will gobble any available piece of food in a matter of seconds. You are provided with mousetraps which will instantly kill the pesky critters if they step on them, so feel free to trap every door and table in the kitchen. Alternatively, you can just keep your ingredients secure in a closed fridge, as mice are unable to open containers.
- Your Cleaver is extremely deadly, and should be treated as such. Keep it in your pocket or backpack when not in use to prevent stealing, and only use as a last resort or in extreme circumstances, such as assault.
- If you are not an Antagonist, you are not supposed to claim trespassing Clowns as ingredients no matter how funny it would be. If you are short on meat, you can use a Monkey Cube.
- Your Microwave does not like metal items. Do not put your knife in there by accident when cooking something.
- Plain bread is the hallmark of the unimaginative Chef. Don't be that Chef.