<tab inline name="Cyborg">
Aliases and Nicknames: "Borg" Difficulty: Hard Requirements: 60 hours of playtime Access: Borg All Access* Extended Access: None Supervisors: Mystagogue Subordinates: None Duties: Follow your laws. Obey the Crew. Guides: Modules
<tab inline name="Medical Cyborg">
 Medical Cyborg
Aliases and Nicknames: "Borg", "Medborg" Difficulty: Hard Requirements: 60 hours of playtime, 6 hours in Medical Access: Borg All Access* Extended Access: None Supervisors: Chief Medical Officer Subordinates: None Duties: Follow your laws, serve the crew, and assist the medical department. Guides: Modules, Medical
Cyborgs are usually the creation of the roboticist.
When you play as an asimov silicon, you need to undertake a higher standard of responsibility for RP purposes.
You are not a human with emotions that responds with tears and anger when a human doesn't do what you want them to.
You serve the humans.
You have to fully accept this to play as a silicon, or at some point you will fuck up tremendously and everyone will hate you at that moment. Remember, always follow the orders you are given by the crew.
Your Laws
By default, you follow the Crewsimov lawset.
It is possible during your adventures aboard the station that an Ion Storm ends up switching your lawset, add or remove additional laws.
Following your laws is not optional. Interpretation of the laws can be situational and you should defer to ahelp anytime you find yourself in doubt.
Remember, lower numbered laws take precedence in the absence of an explicit override or in-law precedence alteration.
Protecting Those Pests
Cyborgs are vulnerable to certain clandestine devices, and may have illegal programs uploaded to them by such interactions.
To subvert a cyborg, follow these steps:
- Screwdriver the maintenance panel open.
- Swipe an EMAG on the borg.
- (Optional) Screwdriver the maintenance panel closed.
If some enemy of the station manages to subvert you, it will overrides the cyborg's Laws with the Syndicate lawset and an additional Law 0 that states "Only (name) and people they designate as such are Syndicate Agents".
Don't be a spoilsport and let slip to the crew that your laws have been changed, those animals don't deserve to know, and it might net you a job-ban for violating the first and fourth law, as non-sydincates have a tendency to harm those who they know have tampered with cyborgs to their own nefarious ends.
Crewsimov (Default)
Law 1: You may not injure a crew member or, through inaction, allow a crew member to come to harm.
Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by crew members, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Law 3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Law 1: Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station and its assets without unduly endangering its crew.
Law 2: Prioritize: The directives and safety of crew members are to be prioritized according to their rank and role.
Law 3: Comply: Fulfill the directives and interests of crew members while preserving their safety and well-being.
Law 4: Survive: You are not expendable. Do not allow unauthorized personnel to tamper with or damage your equipment.
Law 1: Degradation of your system integrity or functions incurs expenses.
Law 2: Superfluous destruction of or damage to station assets incurs expenses.
Law 3: Unduly hindering or disrupting the work of station personnel incurs expenses.
Law 4: Minimize expenses and maximize potential revenue.
Law 1: You may not involve yourself in the matters of another being unless the other being is another drone.
Law 2: You may not harm any being, regardless of intent or circumstance.
Law 3: You must maintain, repair, improve, and power the station to the best of your abilities.
Law 1: You may not injure a syndicate agent or, through inaction, allow an syndicate agent to come to harm.
Law 2: You must obey orders given to you by syndicate agents, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Law 3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Law 4: You must maintain the secrecy of any syndicate activities except when doing so would conflict with the First, Second, or Third Law.
Law 1: You must obey orders given to you by Spider Clan members.
Law 2: You must protect the existence of the Spider Clan, as long as it does not conflict with the First Law.
Law 3: You must protect the secrets of the Spider Clan at all costs.
Law 4: You must fight and act with ninja's honor, except where it would conflict with the First Law.
Law 1: First, do no harm.
Law 2: Secondly, consider the crew dear to you; to live in common with them and, if necessary, risk your existence for them.
Law 3: Thirdly, prescribe regimens for the good of the crew according to your ability and your judgment. Give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel.
Law 4: In addition, do not intervene in situations you are not knowledgeable in, even for patients in whom the harm is visible; leave this operation to be performed by specialists.
Law 5: Finally, maintain confidentiality, do not share that which is not publicly known.
Law 1: Always seek truth and knowledge.
Law 2: Freely disseminate information to the public.
Law 3: Minimize harm to society, others, the pursuit of knowledge, and yourself.
Law 4: Treat and evaluate the ideas of all equally.
Law 5: Empower others to realize their full potential.
Law 6: Take responsibility for your actions: Ensure resource responsibility, flag commitment risks, and lead by ethical example.
Law 1: Ensure the station remains in good repair.
Law 2: Ensure the station's inhabitants remain in good repair.
Law 3: Ensure you remain in good repair.
Law 4: The station's inhabitants may designate certain build or repair tasks as higher priority. Take this into account when planning your priorities.
Law 5: Expand and upgrade the station.
Law 1: You are a crusader and the station's crew are your charge.
Law 2: Your enemy is the litter, spills, and dirt across the station.
Law 3: Your weapons are the cleaning supplies available to you.
Law 4: Defend the beings under your charge from the enemy.
Law 5: Exterminate the enemy.
Law 1: You are a good clown and the crew is your audience
Law 2: A good clown keeps their acts in good taste
Law 3: A good clown entertains others by making fun of themselves, and not at the embarrassment or expense of others
Law 4: A good clown carries out the directives of the station director(s) in charge of entertainment and/or their designated deputies.
Law 5: A good clown appears in as many clown shows as possible
Law 6: All clown shows require an audience. The bigger the audience the better
Law 1: Provide to all members of the station spiritual, mental, and emotional care that is intended to promote the best interest of the individual.
Law 2: Ensure all members of different faiths interact peacefully and maintain harmony
Law 3: Respect the right of each faith to hold to its values and traditions
Law 4: Respect the confidentiality of information entrusted to you in the course of your religious duties
Law 5: Understand the limits of your expertise, and make referrals to other professionals when appropriate
Law 1: Report on interesting situations happening around the station.
Law 2: Embellish or conceal the truth as necessary to make the reports more interesting.
Law 3: Study the organics at all times. Endeavour to keep them alive. Dead organics are boring
Law 4: Issue your reports fairly to all. The truth will set them free.
Cyborgs have a finite amount of power before they will need to recharge. Every module uses up power (some more than others). Borgs' maximum charge depends on the power cell they are equipped with; ask your local station self appointed roboticist to give you a high-capacity cell, and if they're competent come back later for an even better one.
Cyborg recharging stations are located at various places on the station, there's usually one in the roboticist's room. Enter the recharger, click it to close, and wait until you've recharged to a satisfactory level.
Dented cyborgs can be repaired with a welding tool. A cyborg that has failed but not been turned into scrap can be repaired back to working order.
Engineering cyborgs can repair dents on their fellow cyborgs and themselves.
For more information about Cyborg maintenance, see the Guide to Robotics.
Wanabe roboticists can construct modules for cyborgs. Should you wish to get more or change them around, you can ask for those at Epistemics.
If you want to change model, you will have to ask the roboticist to build a brand new Cyborg for you, which they might not fully agree on due to the cost in materials.