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Salvage Specialist

From Delta-V Wiki
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To-Do: Add sections on Fultons, Lavaland, Salvage Vouchers, Red Rock/Redroid, Expeditions


Salvage Specialist

Aliases and Nicknames: Prospector, Excavator, "Salvager", "Salvie", "Shaft Miner", "Mining Slave"
Difficulty: Medium to High
Requirements: 6 hours in Logistics
Access: Logistics, Salvage, Maintenance, External
Extended Access: None
Supervisors: Logistics Officer
Subordinates: None
Duties: Retrieve materials from wrecks, die and get lost in space score some sick loot.
Guides: Hostile Fauna, Reverse Engineering

As a Salvage Specialist (AKA "salvager" or "salvie"), your job (currently) is to produce materials and find loot for the station Epistemics department (and other departments) to use or for Logistics to sell. Use the Salvage Magnet to pull in salvage for a limited amount of time and don't get killed by space carps or ore crabs. Be sure to bring a GPS and memorize current coordinates so that you do not get lost in space. Alternatively, use the Mining Shuttle to go to Lavaland and mine there.

An example of a space wreck

It is a good idea to have a friendly communication channel with Logistics. They are unable to see you on the scanner and they are the one making the money so that you might ask The Captain buy a salvage shuttle using The Shipyard Console to make salvaging easier. In addition, they typically hear requests for materials and may have bounty requests for you.

Keep in mind that if you fail to produce materials, Epistemics will get very, very angry.


The most crucial items in your job are the pickaxe (or crusher), spationaut hardsuit, and a breathable gas tank (oxygen for most species or nitrogen for slimes/vox). You will not survive in space or on Lavaland without those. If you intend to salvage in space, you will also most likely need a jetpack. Most of your starting equipment can be found in the Salvage lockers in Salvage dorms.

Icon Name Description
Spationaut hardsuit The obvious component; without it, you will succumb to the low pressure of space. You will find a spationaut suit in your salvage locker. After you equip the suit, you'll have to close the helmet via the action menu on the left. Like other EVA capable suits, provides breathing internals without the need for a mask. Has an integrated flashlight that does not require a cell.
Mining hardsuit A less common suit which you can find on debris or purchase at the salvage vendor. It has more armor and brighter headlights, but will slow you down more.
Oxygen tank To survive in space for longer than a minute, you will need to breathe. Equip a full tank in your hand, pocket, or suit storage slot to be able to properly use it with your breathing internals. Make sure to check if the tank output pressure is correct (the safe amount is 17-22). You can refill your oxygen tank by putting it inside a oxygen canister (just make sure to close the canister's valve afterwards, or the canister will empty itself into the room). Do not fill your tank with plain air as the gas pressure will be insufficient for your character to breathe.
Nitrogen tank Slime people and voxes breathe nitrogen instead of oxygen. Otherwise functionally identical.
Explorer gas mask Provides minor damage resistance and acts as a backup to your suit for providing air supply, like any other gas mask.
Magboots Equip and turn on magnetic boots to gain a steady hold on wreck's surface. You might walk a bit slower, but at least you won't clumsily fly off into space so easily.
Utilitybelt (and tools) Typically comes fully equipped with a screwdriver, welding tool, wrench, crowbar, multitool and wirecutters. Use those tools if you wish to retrieve anchored items, dismantle empty crates or barge through obstacles like closed doors.
Pickaxe Sometimes, the salvage magnet might pull in a rocky asteroid. Use your pickaxe by turning on harm mode. Left click for a precise swing, right click for a wide swing that can hit multiple rocks. Don't hit your friends!
Mining Drill An upgrade from a pickaxe that can be used to mine ore quicker. Obtainable from a protolathe after researched by Epistemics, or can sometimes be found on debris and wrecks. There is an upgraded form which is diamond tipped, made by Epistemics after further research.
Crusher A very effective mining tool and fighting weapon. Mines faster and easier than a pickaxe, has an inbuilt flashlight and practically makes the mining drill redundant (unless you want to mine the hard rocks on the Red Asteroid). Deals 15 points of damage to your enemies and can be one handed. If wielded, you can right click to shoot a "marking projectile" at an enemy to create a field around them. When a marked enemy is hit with your Crusher, you get healed a small amount. The projectile also deals decent structural damage. However, does not fit in backpacks.

Can be acquired at round start by using the Salvage Voucher you spawn with at the Salvage Vendor. Otherwise, can be purchased at the Salvage Vendor with Mining Points or made by Epistemics after research. A better version, called the Crusher Glaive, can be found on wrecks.

Ore bag Allows you to store mined ores. Click on the floor to pick up all ores around this spot. Can be equiped in your belt slot and activated to automatically pick up ores around you. There is a bag of holding variant with infinite space which can be made by Epistemics after research, and available to you if you get appropriate permission per the Standard Operating Procedures.
Mini Jetpack For space travel. Can be found at round start in the Salvage Lockers or purchased at the cargo console. You need to fill it up using a gas canister (any gas will do), in the same way you fill an oxygen tank. You can then equip it on your backpack slot, suit storage slot, belt slot or keep it in your hand. Use UI on the left side of the screen to turn it on or by hitting an action hotkey. Once it is on, you can propel yourself with it via WASD keys. You can only use a jetpack in locations without gravity, it will turn off when you enter any floored area. Holds 2.5 L of gas.
Jetpack Advanced Superior form of traveling in space. Holds four times the amount of gas to the mini jetpack (10 liters compared to 2.5) - enough that you can also use it as your oxygen canister for internals. You need to purchase it from cargo console first (ask a Cargo Technician / Logistics Officer).
Global Positioning System (GPS) Shows your current position as (x,y). Note that negative numbers are different to positive numbers, (x,y) is not equal to (-x,y). You can use it to return to the station coordinates in case you get lost in space. Redundant, as your PDA comes with an Astronav program which acts as a GPS, when held in your hands.
Proto Kinetic Accelerator (PKA) You can use it to fend off hostile lifeforms such as Space Carps. You can also use it to propel yourself backwards in space, in case your jetpack runs dry. This gun has unlimited ammo but a very slow rate of fire. Can be found in salvage lockers at round start, or be made at a protolathe after being researched by Epistemics. Far more accurate when wielded with both hands. Does decent structural damage as well.
Combat Knife / Survival Knife It is usually a bad idea to fight hostile alien lifeforms in melee range, but you use this knife as a last resort.
Mineral Scanner When turned on, pulses every two or so second, showing where nearby ore veins are. Works if it is held in your hand or in your pocket. Has an internal battery that can drain quite fast when in use. There is an advanced version with longer range which can be purchased from the Salvage Vendor or made by Epistemics after research. Very useful on Lavaland. Putting in a better battery is a good idea.

Salvage Magnet

This console is used for pulling in salvage ("pulls"), which you can scavenge for loot or mine for ore. The salvage magnet pulls wrecks towards the general area it is facing, but that doesn't do much to narrow down the area. If the magnet is facing the wrong way, is installed too deep inside the station or something is blocking the area in front of it, then you won't be able to pull anything in.

Location of the pulled in wrecks ("pulls") can be determined using a mass scanner console (typically found alongside the salvage magnet) or a handheld mass scanner.

Salvage wrecks ("pulls") are categorized into asteroids (of various types), debris and wrecks:

  • Asteroids provide ore by mining them. Unlike on Lavaland (or Glacier Surface) all rock mined on an asteroid provides ore, not just ore veins. Has a chance to spawn hostile ore crabs when a rock tile is mined. Also has colourful crystals which can be broken to produce crystal shards, to craft coloured light tubes.
  • Debris are randomly generated structures, filled with lockers, crates and other. They contain randomly chosen loot, including various broken objects and machinery, which can be put in the Recycler for a decent amount of materials. Debris often spawns with hostile Space Carps and their variants.
  • Wrecks are pre-made structures, which cost 1000 Mining Points to pull and have predefined loot. They can be either quite valuable and contain unique items or be barely worth it at all. Wrecks have a wide variety of threats and hazards, such as space bears, mines, turrets, space adders, and are thus the most dangerous of the three.


The console can be interacted with at any point in time either to start it or get its status.

  1. Interact with the console to start the pull sequence. The magnet sends a corresponding message to the Supply channel.
  2. Wait for a wreckage to be pulled. The magnet sends a message once the debris is ready. You can use the Mass Scanner Console to locate the wreck.
  3. Your team has 6 minutes to get to the salvage and haul loot back. The magnet sends a message when 30 seconds remain.
  4. When the timer expires, the wreck and every item present on it vanish. Any crew remain at the same coordinates but may be spun around.
  5. The console enters a short cooldown period, indicated by the small green lights on it. One they are all lit the console can be used again.
  6. Do not unanchor the magnet while it has salvage currently in its magnetic field.

Before installing this too far outside in space, consider protecting it against meteors and antagonists.

Mass Scanner Console

Outdated visual of what you are looking for.

A computer that shows you a non-interactive map of the station, the shuttle location and any unidentified debris / wrecks marked as "Unidentified". Up is not necessarily north. You will see the computer's location (your location) marked as a blue dot.

Ore Processor

The Ore Processor machine that takes ore that you have mined (with a pickaxe, crusher or mining drill) and enables crew to produce materials, similar to how an autolathe works. Can make steel, glass, plasma, uranium, gold, silver, bananium, refined diamonds (but not plastic). Has an ore magnet that can be turned on or off. Producing materials creates "mining points" which can be claimed by a salvager. Points are currently individual to each salvager.

Can be upgraded into an industrial ore processor, which produces materials by consuming less ore and allows production of plasteel. An industrial ore processor machine board can be made by the Epistemics department using their circuit imprinter, after appropriate research.

Mining Points and the Salvage Vendor

When materials are made at the ore processor, mining points are generated. The rarer the materials and ore, the more points per material. Points can be claimed from the ore processor by pressing the "Claim" button on the bottom right of the processor UI. Currently points are individual to each salvager and can only be claimed all at once, so make sure to share with your fellow salvagers!

Mining Points can be spent in two ways:

  • Purchasing equipment and other boons from the Salvage Vendor:
    • Mining hardsuits
    • Fultons and Fulton Beacons
    • Exchanging points into spesos
    • Medkits
    • Alcohol
    • And other.
  • Pulling in wrecks at the Salvage Magnet.

Tips and tricks

  • You can find a spare small oxygen tank inside your survival box. You're also able to keep it in your pocket, leaving your hands unoccupied.
  • Liquid oxygen provides more oxygen per volume. A canister of liquid oxygen a common request by salvage teams for the logistics team to order.
  • Holding down Control, and Right-Clicking on a tile near you while pulling something lets you move it around while standing still. In zero-gravity, you can fling objects such as crates/gas tanks towards the station by timing your release with Q accurately. This is not hard to figure out but is tricky to pull off consistently.
Roles on DeltaV
Command Captain · Head of Personnel · Head of Security · Chief Engineer · Mystagogue · Chief Medical Officer · Logistics Officer · Chief Justice · Administrative Assistant
Justice Department Chief Justice · Clerk · Prosecutor · Lawyer
Security Head of Security · Warden · Security Officer · Prison Guard · Corpsman · Detective · Security Cadet
Engineering Chief Engineer · Atmospheric Technician · Station Engineer · Technical Assistant
Epistemics Mystagogue · Psionic Mantis · Chaplain · Roboticist · Scientist · Research Assistant
Medical Chief Medical Officer · Medical Doctor · Paramedic · Chemist · Surgeon · Psychologist · Medical Intern
Logistics Logistics Officer · Cargo Technician · Salvage Specialist · Courier · Cargo Assistant
Service Head of Personnel · Janitor · Bartender · Botanist · Chef · Service Worker · Boxer · Clown · Martial Artist · Mime · Musician · Reporter · Passenger · Zookeeper · Librarian · Gladiator · Prisoner
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Antagonists Traitor · Nuclear Operative · Space Ninja · Thief · Paradox Anomaly · Revenant · Space Dragon · Listening Post Operative · Zombie