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File:Forensic Mantis.png Forensic Mantis |
Aliases and Nicknames: Undefined |
The Forensic Mantis lives with one foot each in Security and Epistemics. While they technically report to the Mystagogue, their forensic know-how and seeking warrants can lead to them spending more time with Security. Thus, while a Mantis’ key jobs are to identify the psychic powers of the crew and analyze evidence, they can serve many other roles with some authority.
- Don’t forget you’re a member of Epistemics. You have the access and ability to progress research or control glimmer in the absence of acolytes.
- Your Metapsionic Pulse is key to identifying nearby psychics and recognizing abilities they use. However, it has an inconveniently large radius, and can be affected by psychic phenomena that aren’t the crew, such as The Oracle.
- Fingerprints are (practically) unique and one pair of insulated yellow gloves is as good as another. Therefore, don’t be afraid to go barehanded when handling evidence. Also note that evil twins have different fingerprints from their counterparts.
- Telepathic speech comes through anonymously. While it can help you identify crew members with powers and can be used to communicate even while in critical condition, it can never be fully trusted.
- Psychics aren’t inherently evil. There are many who never use their powers or can be called upon to help in times of need. Don’t underestimate a trusted friend’s ability to gather information with Telegnosis.